I have received some free seeds with a sub renewell which I don't need. Happy to give them away for a SAE. Don't need anything in return, unless you have a perculiar squash or chilli variety ... bit of a sucker in that department 
Fothergill's Full packs.
Lettuce "All the year round"
Kale "Dwarf Green Curled"
Tomato "Roma VF"
Parsley "Moss Curled 2"
Tomato "Red Cherry"
Self saved seed - Chili "Bishop's Crown" (I think!). Have enough to give away for 5 x 10 seeds..

Fothergill's Full packs.
Lettuce "All the year round"
Kale "Dwarf Green Curled"
Tomato "Roma VF"
Parsley "Moss Curled 2"
Tomato "Red Cherry"
Self saved seed - Chili "Bishop's Crown" (I think!). Have enough to give away for 5 x 10 seeds..