Hi, just had a clear out. Here are the results. I am happy for you to just send me an SAE as I seem to have all the seeds I need!
I do need some mangetout though! Ah also need beetroot!
Full Packets:-
Mixed Lettuce - Iceberg, cos, butterhead
Carrot Early Nantes
Tomato Gardeners delight
Mixed salad leaves
Strawberry Mignonette - GONE
Melon Hearts of Gold-GONE
Basil- GONE
Tomato Roma- GONE
Lettuce Lollo Rossa - GONE
Butternut squash Hunter - GONE
Opened packets:-
Salad leaves - Niche oriental mixed
Tomato Roma
Courguette All green Bush
Seeds bought on ebay 12 seeds or more in pack:-
Dwarf French beans Fire tounge
Dwarf french beans Tender green-GONE
Climbing french beans Purplegiant.- GONE
Dwarf french beans Early warwick- GONE
Thanks x
Please PM for my address, and please put in a note with what it is you want when you send the SAE - ( It really bugs me to have to turn on the PC and look back at my messages!) Thanks
I do need some mangetout though! Ah also need beetroot!
Full Packets:-
Mixed Lettuce - Iceberg, cos, butterhead
Carrot Early Nantes
Tomato Gardeners delight
Mixed salad leaves
Strawberry Mignonette - GONE
Melon Hearts of Gold-GONE
Basil- GONE
Tomato Roma- GONE
Lettuce Lollo Rossa - GONE
Butternut squash Hunter - GONE
Opened packets:-
Salad leaves - Niche oriental mixed
Tomato Roma
Courguette All green Bush
Seeds bought on ebay 12 seeds or more in pack:-
Dwarf French beans Fire tounge
Dwarf french beans Tender green-GONE
Climbing french beans Purplegiant.- GONE
Dwarf french beans Early warwick- GONE
Thanks x
Please PM for my address, and please put in a note with what it is you want when you send the SAE - ( It really bugs me to have to turn on the PC and look back at my messages!) Thanks
