If not stated�seeds that are small have a good pinch.
BEANSIf not stated�seeds that are small have a good pinch.
Cannelloni � � x 10 seeds x 1 pkts
Tender Green Dwarf French x 10 seeds x 2 pkts
Cabbage Red Drum x 1 pkt
Kohl Rabi Lanro x 1 pkt
Anaheim x 4 seeds x 2 pkts
Cykion polish Chilli x 3 seeds x 4 pkts
Fuego (Long red cayenne) x 4 seeds x 2 pkts
Hungarian Hot Wax x 6 seeds x 6 pkts
Prairie Fire x 6 seeds x 1 pkts
Purple Gusto (Jeanied�s seeds) x4 seeds x 5 pkts
Serrano Tampiqueno x 4 seeds x 2 pkts
Beetroot Perfect x 1 pkt
Beetroot Renova x 2 pkt's
Round Carrot Parmax x 3 pkts
Swede Best Of All x 4 pkts
Leeks Sulton x 1 pkt (Not many in packet)
Sweet Orange Bell Pepper x 6 seeds x 4 pkts
Sweet Yellow Bell Pepper x 6 seeds x 5 pkts
Sweet Mixed Bell Pepper x 10 seeds x 7 pkts
Sweet Pepper Big Red Banana x 6 seeds x 1 pkts
Sweet Red California Wonder x 6 seeds x 2 pkts
Ace 55 x 5 seeds x 2 pkts
Marmande x 5 seeds x 1 pkt
Pantano x 5 seeds x 1 pkt
Roma VF x 5 seeds x 2 pkts
Holy Hock Double Mix x 3 pkt's
Passion Flower Edulis x 3 seeds x 3 pkts
Wild Foxglove �Pink� x 2 pkts
Cat Mint x 3 pkts
1.Black Pearl. 2.Little Blue. 3.Trinidad Scorpion. 4.Congo Black. 5. Burkina Yellow Habanero. 6.Gambia Red. 7.Balloon Chilli. 8.Jamaican Hot Red. 9.Yellow Mushroom.
Runner Beans
White Lady�White/Yellow Flowering.
Meesher...Scarlet Flowering.
Bianco di Spagna, large white runner bean type (Italian bean)
Any Unusual Tomato Seeds...for The Tomato Parcels
Any Unusual Squash/Pumpkin/Courgette/Cucumber...for The Squash Parcel
Any Unusual Chilli Seeds...for The Chilli Seed Parcel.
But if you have ANY unusual seeds you think I might like...make me an offer

If you have any of the above seeds to swap, please pm me (ginger ninger).
When I've received offered seeds, then I'll send seeds that have been requested. Please make sure you put the correct postage paid on the envelope.
Self addressed STAMPED envelopes for those who request seeds and no swap.
Could you pop your Vine name on the seeds/envelope, that way I know who's sent me the seeds...Thanks. xx. If you could put sellotape to hold the envelope closed as well that would be great. I've had a few in the past that have come open in the post.
Seed swap rules apply.
Janet (G.N).xx