Hi Alun
I have not checked yet that everyone is still participating in the circle,, if they are, then you need to put each variety into a small bag per person (at the moment there are 19) and clearly label each one. Then post them to me and enclose a large letter large envelope (padded maybe) SAE. I'll PM you the address later in the week, which'll give me a chance to check up on everyone
Hope thats clear, and ok with everyone, if not, just shout and I'll sort it out
I have not checked yet that everyone is still participating in the circle,, if they are, then you need to put each variety into a small bag per person (at the moment there are 19) and clearly label each one. Then post them to me and enclose a large letter large envelope (padded maybe) SAE. I'll PM you the address later in the week, which'll give me a chance to check up on everyone
Hope thats clear, and ok with everyone, if not, just shout and I'll sort it out
