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Seed Saving Circle No 8 PUMPKIN CIRCLE


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  • #31
    Originally posted by vicky View Post
    Number 12 for you Splatcat! I don't think it matters how many posts you have at the moment as you just have to have a bit of commitment to grow the plant and save the seeds. And by that time you'll have lots of posts

    Brilliant!! Thankyou, will concerntrate on those pumpkins now!!


    • #32
      you can add cucumber white wonder
      Last edited by ophiopogon; 04-03-2011, 08:55 PM.


      • #33
        I fear I may have to pull out - my potimarron plants (which were thriving quite well) have been attacked by next doors cats using the area for a toilet - all the leaves ripped off, just stumps left
        I have run out of seeds too...
        At the lottie I have some real seeds sweet potato squash but they dont seem to be doing very well!!....


        • #34
          Just wait and see how they get on!
          My plans to collect the luffa seeds have been scuppered too by the mouse in the g/h eating them all....when I've finished shooting the mouse I'll pass the gun onto you....(joke cat lovers!)
          Never mind, lets just wait and see what we do get!

          And if anyone else would like to join the circle? Chris Marks!


          • #35
            Have so far successfully hand pollinated Golden Hubbard, Blue Hubbard, Lady Godiva, Chicago Warted Hubbard, Buttercup and another that seems to have lost it's label but hopefully will be identifiable once it's bigger!
            So fingers crossed all the fruits develop ok (have done more than one fruit of each as insurance!), there should be lots of seeds to share out later in the year.
            How's everyone else doing?
            Lots more room in the circle if anyone else wants to join...


            • #36
              Possibly... I'll let you know if I can pollinate mine by hand ok or not (i.e. be down the allotment when they're about to open!)

              Out of interest, how are you lot doing it? Rubber bands to keep the pollinating dudes out?


              • #37
                Plastic bag on in the evening (on those laydees ready to flower but not quite open) then whip it off the next morning and tickle with the boy bits . Then bag back on and tie round stem with a bit of string to remind you you've done that one.... I take the bag off the next day and tie the flower closed (they are a bit too brittle to tie up straight away I've found)
                I don't think the plastic bag does any harm even when on for 3 or so days, even though it gets a bit condensationy inside.
                So you need 2 consecutive days at the lottie and a bit of luck that both boy and girl flowers on the same plant are ready to open the next day...
                Pumpkin seeds are so expensive for so few it's got to be worth a go!


                • #38
                  cucumber white wonder

                  cancel cucumber white wonder because they are bitter, not nice at all


                  • #39
                    If there is still room and no-one has Sugar Pie Pumpkin seeds, can I join? I know some Grapes may already have the seed as I mooched it from the Seed Library.


                    • #40
                      I do have flowers on my sweet potato squashes!!


                      • #41
                        Course there's room for you FF!


                        • #42
                          Thank you


                          • #43
                            hello everyone ive picked all the pumpkins, when do i send the seeds and where


                            • #44
                              I have one pumpkin left
                              The others at the allotment have been eaten (or chomped) by I am really not very hopeful as I cant sit there all night and guard it...


                              • #45
                                Sorry to say...I'm not going to be able to join in this year, most of my squash/pumpkins aren't doing much...plenty of leaves but not much fruit to call anything. Lets hope I have better luck for next year.


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