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Seed Saving Circle No 8 PUMPKIN CIRCLE


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  • #46
    Alas my last pumpkin has been decimated
    Unfortunately I now do have to definately pull out as I literally have no seeds to offer....As this is the second year of trying, I am unsure if I will try again next year...still its a learning curve I suppose...


    • #47
      What a shame - rather a rotten year for them it seems! Quite a few of mine have rotted too and the crop is less than 50% of that last year I think.

      Ophiopogon - well done! Hang onto the seeds for the moment, I'll PM you in due course with my address.


      • #48
        Well now, a trip to the lottie has confirmed that I have a nice little patch of red kuri to save seed from.
        Would these be a good candidate for the seed saving circle?
        Can anyone suggest which the oldest one would be on the plant - presumably the reddest and nearest the main stem? It is just that the later ones may have crossed with my winter festival which were planted much later in the season in a different bed but not too far away.

        ETA :- I would be sooo pleased if the circle involves some Tromba d'Albenga seeds
        Last edited by Jeanied; 03-09-2011, 11:24 AM.
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • #49
          Yes and yes I think!

          I've def got Lady Godiva, Buttercup, Chicago warted hubbard, big max, achocha (tho I think they are pointless!) and I've left a cuke to mature on the vine
          Hopefully I'll find a few more once the vines start to die back


          • #50
            When everyone's got a minute (!) can you update me on the variety you've managed to save. A shocking year for pumpkins so I do understand those who've had to drop out.
            THANK YOU!!


            • #51
              I will have to drop out too as all my pumpkins have been stolen from my allotment plot. Sorry to let all down, but will try again next year.


              • #52
                I have some red kuri - haven't cut them open yet but I hope the seeds will be nice and plump.
                Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                • #53
                  I've got Sugar Pie Pumpkin seeds, like Jeanied I haven't cut them open yet. Will do when I get back home.


                  • #54
                    Sorry to hear about your theft gillian, what sods to take your pumpkins!
                    Good luck with yours Jeanied and FF. I've opened two of mine so far and will have Howden and Lady Godiva to share, still have some others to open still.


                    • #55
                      Also now have Chicago Warted Hubbard (just a few seeds each), Achocha and Jarrahdale (my fave for eating) to share, currently in the airing cupboard.


                      • #56
                        ive already dried the seeds of casper, even though the pumpkin look like rugby balls instead of being round, also have lots of queensland blue but didnt control the pollinisation, some i pollinated by hand

                        i will send casper but if anybody wants to risk open pollinated queensland blue, can send too and also have acorn squash open pollinated

                        here in spain plant pumpkin, put down food for snails and the pumpkins grow by themselves, its not like we have any rain

                        i grew giant pumpkin but as i wasnt impressed i cut it open and left to rot in the soil

                        it only got to 100 pounds


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by gillian62 View Post
                          I will have to drop out too as all my pumpkins have been stolen from my allotment plot. Sorry to let all down, but will try again next year.
                          do you live near louth because they always roobed allotments in that area

                          sorry to here that


                          • #58
                            i reckon we should still send the seeds to everybody in the group even if they have nothing, its the intencion that counts


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by ophiopogon View Post
                              i reckon we should still send the seeds to everybody in the group even if they have nothing, its the intencion that counts
                              I think that's a very kind idea, I'm happy to send gillian some of my seeds


                              • #60
                                Zapallito Del Toscana bagged up and ready

                                Yellow Straightneck Summer Squash bagged up and ready

                                Georgia Candy Roaster bagged up and ready

                                And finally, Mammoth Gold Pumpkin. Just being bagged now.
                                Last edited by zazen999; 29-10-2011, 07:54 PM.


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