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Dwarf Tomatoes


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  • #16
    Thank you, I have been a cruising this last couple of weeks and forgot I had registered on here last year. It looks like a very interesting forum.

    It is hard to be the new kid on the block though LOL

    Just added, yep I think I know you too..

    XX Jeannine
    Last edited by Jeannine Anne; 07-08-2011, 09:19 PM.


    • #17
      Jeannine I've PM'd you (could not resist)


      • #18
        One of the smallest tomato varieties that gets overlooked a lot is Florida Petite, a great indoors plant.
        I love growing tomatoes.


        • #19
          Yes I would agree with you. I also like Andrina. Actually It would be difficult to pick a favourite. I just got some seeds delivered from Australia for Tiny Tom but haven't grown them you know that one?

          XX Jeannine


          • #20
            My guess is that it's a hybrid put out from Fothergills, but I did find this on it.

            Extremely small plant, can be grown in 6" pots on a windowsill. Produces very few tomatoes, only around 12 per plant. Cherry shaped red fruit, regular leaf.

            This plant is the hybrid answer to the open-pollinated Tiny Tim, however Tiny Tim will produce loads more fruit than the �Tiny Tom� variety.
            Tiny Tom is a hybrid variety.

            With that info, I probably wouldn't bother growing it.
            I love growing tomatoes.


            • #21
              Frostyfreckle, your seeds are on the way,posted today. 5 varieties.Sorry to be a wee bit late. XX Jeannine


              • #22
                You are more organised then me JA.

                I went back and got another 2 toms from Dwarf Wax, and put them to soak for 3 days and just managed to rinse them before disappearing off to a festival at the weekend. Then 2 days at work when I was completely exhausted....but I've got a week off now so I can pack them, and get them sent up. But we do have family arriving for a few days so apols in advance if they sit there for a few days.

                Gosh, it's exhausting all this being in your mid-40s; I was expecting a nice sit down and cup of tea but I've not stopped in weeks.


                • #23
                  Jeannine Anne and Zazen, thanks for the seeds. Zazen, there is no rush, nice cup of tea and a slice of cake will do you more good than rushing to the nearest post box. Mmmm cake, might need to make some cup cakes now.


                  • #24
                    I wish - I am just off to Wales to pick up Niece. Maybe later this afternoon.


                    • #25
                      You're in your mid 40s zaz? I thought you were 33/34 odd?


                      • #26
                        Just a quick update to say seeds were sown on the 1st of November but before then I got itchy fingers I sowed 4 Micro Tina seeds on 26/08/11 and the plants are due to put into acorn pots next week. Well one of the plants has started to flower If anyone knows why I can't upload photos, can you give me a clue how to sort it. Message I get is "upload failed" So a big thanks to all.
                        Last edited by FROSTYFRECKLE; 18-11-2011, 01:08 PM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
                          You're in your mid 40s zaz? I thought you were 33/34 odd?
                          Have I ever told you I love you. [44 last month].


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