Back, by popular demand
See the last circle here
Alot of people didn't save seeds, or don't save seeds - so this is a circle that is a little different to usual.
This circle is available to anyone - saver, non-saver, newbie, oldie - all and sundry. Usual seed swap rules do not apply in this circle.
There is no upper limit either - so if you have never swapped on here, please step forward and won't get told 'we have enough people now'...whoever sends seeds in is - well - in!
The short story - bag your excess seeds up, send em in and you will get some sent back to you.
The longer story - what you do is:
Collect together all the seeds that you have left over [save some for yourself for next year] that you didn't get round to sowing this year or even last years [stuff from older shouldn't really be swapped]. Or stuff that you have saved yourself if you didn't get into a circle.
Bag the seeds up into equivalent packs [see below for equivalents]. There should be at least 5 packs sent in to make it worth your while - but the more the merrier.
Ways to bag your seeds:
Homemade bags
Money Envelopes
Origami envelopes or Origami envelopes
Moneymaker tomatoes will not be accepted. Sorry. If you have these to get rid of, donate them to a charity or school.
Send to me with 2 large letter stamps and a big sticky label addressed back to yourself.
Make sure the label is big enough to cover the address that you wrote to me, as the seeds will be coming back in the same envelope.
Any stamps not used will be sent back to you. This saves stamp wastage.
I'll bung ALL the seeds sent in into a big hat [well, trug]
At the end of January [or when everyone's seeds are here], I'll just do an all round split, and divvy the whole lot up to share between everyone.
I'll start by putting the same number of packs into your envelope that you sent in - but excesses will be shared out between everyone.
I'll then send them back to you.
6-10 tomato/pepper/aubreys/squashes
10-15 beans/peas
30 brassicas/lettuces
50 mustard/radish
100 carrots/onions
Example - if you have 20 tom seeds, 8 squash seeds and 111 onion seeds left over; pack the toms into 2 bags, the squashes into 1 bag and the onions into 2 and send 5 bags in. The you will get 5 random bags back. If you have 200 tomato seeds, and 500 carrot seeds, pack the toms into 20 bags, and the carrots into 5, send all 25 bags in and you will get 25 random bags back.
You get the gist.
I will not be recording who sent what in, [just how many bags came with each envelope] so you might get back a bag that you sent in; but if you put your Grape name on your return address label AND on your submitted bags, I'll try and check that you don't get the same ones back.
Please put on your bags:
Veg type/variety/date saved or bought/expiry date from original bag if you have it/your Grape name
PMs will be sent after New Year's Day for seeds to be sent in - I don't want any before then so bag them up, and keep them aside for December, and I will be in touch at the start of January.
So, first step - post on this thread if you are interested and know that you have bags that you want to put into the swap.
The hort hobbit
Flowers of shona
Lottie Dolly
See the last circle here
Alot of people didn't save seeds, or don't save seeds - so this is a circle that is a little different to usual.
This circle is available to anyone - saver, non-saver, newbie, oldie - all and sundry. Usual seed swap rules do not apply in this circle.
There is no upper limit either - so if you have never swapped on here, please step forward and won't get told 'we have enough people now'...whoever sends seeds in is - well - in!
The short story - bag your excess seeds up, send em in and you will get some sent back to you.
The longer story - what you do is:
Collect together all the seeds that you have left over [save some for yourself for next year] that you didn't get round to sowing this year or even last years [stuff from older shouldn't really be swapped]. Or stuff that you have saved yourself if you didn't get into a circle.
Bag the seeds up into equivalent packs [see below for equivalents]. There should be at least 5 packs sent in to make it worth your while - but the more the merrier.
Ways to bag your seeds:
Homemade bags
Money Envelopes
Origami envelopes or Origami envelopes
Moneymaker tomatoes will not be accepted. Sorry. If you have these to get rid of, donate them to a charity or school.
Send to me with 2 large letter stamps and a big sticky label addressed back to yourself.
Make sure the label is big enough to cover the address that you wrote to me, as the seeds will be coming back in the same envelope.
Any stamps not used will be sent back to you. This saves stamp wastage.
I'll bung ALL the seeds sent in into a big hat [well, trug]
At the end of January [or when everyone's seeds are here], I'll just do an all round split, and divvy the whole lot up to share between everyone.
I'll start by putting the same number of packs into your envelope that you sent in - but excesses will be shared out between everyone.
I'll then send them back to you.
6-10 tomato/pepper/aubreys/squashes
10-15 beans/peas
30 brassicas/lettuces
50 mustard/radish
100 carrots/onions
Example - if you have 20 tom seeds, 8 squash seeds and 111 onion seeds left over; pack the toms into 2 bags, the squashes into 1 bag and the onions into 2 and send 5 bags in. The you will get 5 random bags back. If you have 200 tomato seeds, and 500 carrot seeds, pack the toms into 20 bags, and the carrots into 5, send all 25 bags in and you will get 25 random bags back.
You get the gist.
I will not be recording who sent what in, [just how many bags came with each envelope] so you might get back a bag that you sent in; but if you put your Grape name on your return address label AND on your submitted bags, I'll try and check that you don't get the same ones back.
Please put on your bags:
Veg type/variety/date saved or bought/expiry date from original bag if you have it/your Grape name
PMs will be sent after New Year's Day for seeds to be sent in - I don't want any before then so bag them up, and keep them aside for December, and I will be in touch at the start of January.
So, first step - post on this thread if you are interested and know that you have bags that you want to put into the swap.
The hort hobbit
Flowers of shona
Lottie Dolly