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Seed Circle Number 11 - The Exotics! 2012


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  • #46
    Hi guys. I have a rather unique patch of plants called Egyptian Walking Onions or Tree Onions. They are starting to form lots and lots of bulbs and would be happy to share them when they are fully developed. Is this ok with you
    Winter is coming


    • #47
      Great! I've been after these for years....

      How are everyone else's plants doing? It's such a rubbish year for growing I think lots of the crops will have failed...

      The sweetcorn is doing 'ok' - nice sturdy plants but very short and forming flowers already. Hopefully they'll be ok. The squash is rather pathetic at the moment, not forming buds even yet. If the weather carries on being wet I can't see myself being able to produce a hand pollinated fruit from it.


      • #48
        well im down to 3 okra - and to be honest i dont have much hope for them as they have been the same size for months - and the only other exotic plants im growing are chilli's and toms e.g. indego rose (and theres already a few people that have said that they are doing them...) so i may have to drop out - but i will let you know later on in the season
        Last edited by Matt94; 06-07-2012, 02:57 PM.


        • #49
          I am trying to get some Jerusalem artichoke and Globe artichokes for next years patch. If anyone has any they would be appreciated.
          Winter is coming


          • #50
            Hi, I have lots of woad and a fair amount of sweet cecily seeds (for sweet cecily anyway). I'll do a count up and see how many I can divide them into - it could be 1 or 2 each though! Is that ok?


            • #51
              I'd been hoping to do Skirret but it doesn't look as if there are any seeds. Will probably be able to do Balm of Gilead - Cedronella Canariensis if you want that. Its just about to flower!


              • #52
                Well I have had a miserable year for everything so far - but one thing that has done really well is a pale green courgette type squash - I think it is called Virginia 3 - so I will be able to offer seeds of that!
                Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                • #53
                  I have to admit I was expecting everyone to say they had no seeds and everything was rubbish...happily surprised! Well done, all seeds gratefully accepted.

                  My Bloody Butcher sweetcorn has cobs now (I darenot look at them yet) but I think we'll have some to share. The pumpkins never happened. But I have other plants to fill their place.

                  If there's anyone else with an interesting harvest they could share, don't be shy!


                  • #54
                    I'm hoping for some vietnamese cucumbers. There's 2 plants from 4 seeds planted, and 3 fruit. I'm letting them all grow out and ripen. No other cucurbits any where near, so they should be true if I get any seed. The squash at the plot have failed miserably, only 3 and I've just let them pollinate as they will, desperate for something to eat, let along save seed from.
                    I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                    Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                    • #55
                      Well all of my okra died , so I will try and see if anything else I'm growing is classed as exotic!


                      • #56
                        I'm waiting for my one and only red hmong cucumber to ripen properly before slicing him open for the seeds (hopefully). At the moment he's yellow with some green, he's supposed to be orange. I've got him on the south facing kitchen windowsill now as the plant died, and it's too cold and wet outside to do any good.
                        I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                        Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                        • #57
                          Originally posted by vicky View Post
                          If there's anyone else with an interesting harvest they could share, don't be shy!
                          Have you any room for one more?
                          I have some mexican tree spinach and fat baby achocha - not sure it they are interesting enough?


                          • #58
                            You're welcome Scarlet...not sure if there are too many seeds saved after the dismal summer for growing...

                            Prehaps those with their names on the list could let me know what they have saved to swop?

                            I should have Bloody Butcher Sweetcorn, but my Black Futsu Squash failed (I can add a pumpkin variety from last year that I saved)

                            vicky - BB corn, pumpkin
                            Jeanied - Virginia 3
                            vc - Babington leeks
                            northepaul - sweet cecily
                            soladragon - Egyptian Walking Onions
                            Zaz - Red ruby popcorn and potato onions
                            Last edited by vicky; 08-11-2012, 08:11 AM.


                            • #59
                              Red ruby popcorn and potato onions from me.
                              Last edited by zazen999; 07-11-2012, 04:42 PM.


                              • #60
                                I'm not sure about the Cedronella yet - doesn't look too promising. As long as there aren't too many in the group I could do a couple of Babington leeks each.


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