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Daubenton's (perennial) kale- where can I get some?


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  • #16
    I'll put some Daubenton seeds in the VSP, ready for you


    • #17
      Thanks VC I'm looking forward eagerly to my VSP debut.


      • #18
        I have some young plants that were cuttings from my 2 main plants. Its a very useful perennial veg to have. Its guarantees me fresh greens all through the winter


        • #19
          plant/seed swap

          Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
          If you remind me in march I can take some cuttings. I have Daubenton, Duabenton Panache (variagated) and Taunton Deane.

          VC I am intrigued you have seed, I didn't think perennial kale went to seed. Do you know the variety etc.?
          Hi Norfolkgrey (or could I call you Norfolk for short?)
          My late father gave us some "everlasting kale" cuttings as he called them in Essex, but at length we lost the plants, so would like to raise some again - and the variegated form sounds interesting.
          Could we swap some cuttings of each please for some seeds we got from a Southern African relative called makomani - this is a delicious member of the cucurbit family which we have grown very productively in an unheated greenhouse, and with some success outside in a good North Yorkshire summer. Pick while skin is till tender (up to 10" long), peel and boil - Makomani is delicious plain boiled, or mashed with cream, and also makes a great curry.

          Regards, Geoff and Flo


          • #20
            I have been trying to get hold of some as this could be the answer to my problems of my small garden with no winter sunlight. A tall perennial Kale would give us greens throughout. T@M have nothing like it in the catalogue and the site listed here is out of stock
            Last edited by Marb67; 12-04-2017, 09:50 AM.


            • #21
              Marb, I can send you some seeds I've saved from a tall kale that I've been growing since 2013 if you'd like to try them. This is it:-

              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF8507.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	99.9 KB
ID:	2371981

              PM me your address if you'd like some.


              • #22
                That is very very kind of you VC but please let me give you something for it.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                  Marb, I can send you some seeds I've saved from a tall kale that I've been growing since 2013 if you'd like to try them. This is it:-


                  PM me your address if you'd like some.
                  Looks like Jersey Walking stick kale?
                  My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                  to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                  Diversify & prosper


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by geoffandflo View Post
                    Hi Norfolkgrey (or could I call you Norfolk for short?)
                    My late father gave us some "everlasting kale" cuttings as he called them in Essex, but at length we lost the plants, so would like to raise some again - and the variegated form sounds interesting.
                    Could we swap some cuttings of each please for some seeds we got from a Southern African relative called makomani - this is a delicious member of the cucurbit family which we have grown very productively in an unheated greenhouse, and with some success outside in a good North Yorkshire summer. Pick while skin is till tender (up to 10" long), peel and boil - Makomani is delicious plain boiled, or mashed with cream, and also makes a great curry.

                    Regards, Geoff and Flo
                    Just wanted to say I wasn't ignoring you I just never saw your post till this morning. Although it has been almost a year since you posted this as your first post and you probably won't see my reply

                    Anyone else that posts wanting kale you need to adhere to the forum rules 3months as a member and 50 posts. Stick around and enjoy yourself we are not a bad bunch


                    • #25
                      I am struggling to find any daubenton kale online that is in stock.


                      • #26
                        Have you tried here

                        cutting here
                        Products Archive - Incredible Vegetables

                        and if you understand any French - from here


                        • #27
                          Shameless blagging

                          Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
                          If you remind me in march I can take some cuttings. I have Daubenton, Duabenton Panache (variagated) and Taunton Deane.

                          VC I am intrigued you have seed, I didn't think perennial kale went to seed. Do you know the variety etc.?
                          Hi Norfolkgrey

                          I came across your post whilst looking into perennial brassicas and wondered if I could be really cheeky and ask if I might be able to get some of these cuttings from you?

                          I�m also a bit of a nut for all things weird and wonderful. I could offer you pineberry runners, a clump of white alpine strawberries, cardoon, and my latest thing, Korean mint, which has managed(so far!) to overwinter complete with its foliage in the greenhouse in Sheffield.

                          Best regards


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Matskoi View Post
                            Hi Norfolkgrey

                            I came across your post whilst looking into perennial brassicas and wondered if I could be really cheeky and ask if I might be able to get some of these cuttings from you?

                            I�m also a bit of a nut for all things weird and wonderful. I could offer you pineberry runners, a clump of white alpine strawberries, cardoon, and my latest thing, Korean mint, which has managed(so far!) to overwinter complete with its foliage in the greenhouse in Sheffield.

                            Best regards
                            Hi and welcome to the vine.

                            There is no harm in asking but unfortunately I will be disappointing you on 2 counts. Firstly there is a 3 month and 50 post rule on this forum for swaps. Also I only have Taunton Deane nowadays as I preferred it of the three and decided to get rid of the others.

                            Stick around and have a mooch, there is loads to learn, especially if you like weird and wonderfuls. Everyone is friendly


                            • #29
                              Thanks for putting me straight there Norfolkgrey! And thanks for the welcome.

                              Please excuse my impatience, as soon as I find out about a new plant I want to get hold of it. There�s plenty of time ...


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Matskoi View Post
                                Thanks for putting me straight there Norfolkgrey! And thanks for the welcome.

                                Please excuse my impatience, as soon as I find out about a new plant I want to get hold of it. There�s plenty of time ...
                                No probs. After 3 months your wish list might look more like this:-

                                red yacon
                                white yacon
                                Chinese artichoke
                                jer. artichoke
                                red. jer. artichoke
                                potato onion
                                tree/walking/eygptian onion
                                perennial leeks

                                and that's just some of the perennial stuff Feel free to introduce yourself here there are plenty of peeps to encourage your plant addiction


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