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Carruther's Purple Podded Pea


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  • Carruther's Purple Podded Pea

    Does anyone have a few of these spare? Just enough to start growing them for seed next year? I know HSL used to have them but Mr T. would kill me if I spent �50 to join
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  • #2
    I'd like some Carruthers Purple Podded too. The HSL hasn't offered them in the few years since I've been a member. Maybe next year. But they have lots of other nice varieties, and it only costs �20 to join if you don't join Garden Organic as well. Mr T would hardly notice that.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Zelenina View Post
      I'd like some Carruthers Purple Podded too. The HSL hasn't offered them in the few years since I've been a member. Maybe next year. But they have lots of other nice varieties, and it only costs �20 to join if you don't join Garden Organic as well. Mr T would hardly notice that.
      Are you still able to get HSL memebership on its own? If you go on the site you have to me a member of garden organic as well.


      • #4
        Nope, have to buy both. That's also what stops me joining. Am already in RHS. - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


        • #5
          No, you have to be a Garden Organic member to join the HSL. I was in both for 4 years and even though I'd like to continue to support them we're not in a position to do it. It's a shame you can't just join one.
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          • #6
            Carruther's rings a bell, Twinsane - I think that there may be some in the Hill seed collection. You'll have to hang on a week or so for me to check.

            Edit: not because it will take me a week to sort through the collection , but because the seed boxes are kept in the store shed and I won't be at the Hill until next weekend
            Last edited by Hazel at the Hill; 24-11-2014, 06:44 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Twinsane View Post
              No, you have to be a Garden Organic member to join the HSL. I was in both for 4 years and even though I'd like to continue to support them we're not in a position to do it. It's a shame you can't just join one.
              You used to be able to a couple of years back so when it changed or why.....mind you the seed is a bit like films pay a premium to get in first or wait till they get about


              • #8
                Can I ask why you want these peas in particular? I'm a very curious chicken
                You could ask Raymond Blanc for a few, perhaps. BBC News - Purple podded peas: From Lisburn garden to Raymond Blanc menu


                • #9
                  Hazel that would be great if you could have a look.

                  Chicken, Curiosity is ok for chickens, it's cats that have a problem
                  I like to grow anything unusual and I like to keep heritage varieties going if I can. I've tried a couple of purple podded peas in the past and the flavour wasn't very good. I was after these because they're supposed to be the nicest flavour purple podded pea.
                  Do you think Raymond would mind if I went for a meal and asked for my peas raw? Then again, I imagine it's cheaper to join GO & HSL
                  Last edited by Twinsane; 24-11-2014, 10:33 PM. Reason: typo
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                  • #10
                    I've tried a few purple podded peas (PPPs) and not been impressed. That's why I wondered why you wanted this one!!
                    Why don't you write to Raymond and beg a few seeds? If he's that interested in their preservation he might want to spread them around


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Twinsane View Post
                      No, you have to be a Garden Organic member to join the HSL. I was in both for 4 years and even though I'd like to continue to support them we're not in a position to do it. It's a shame you can't just join one.
                      Well that's news to me! I've been a member of only the HSL since 2011. But you're right. On their new website it says "Only available with Garden Organic membership". My current membership expires in December, and if I have to join Garden Organic as well, I don't think I'll bother renewing it.

                      I can join Irish Seed Savers instead Irish Seed Savers - Seed Bank - Growing Traditional Vegetables and Fruit
                      or the Austrian one, Arche Noah

                      They are both cheaper.


                      • #12
                        I've some Carruther's Purple podded seeds you can have if Hazel hasn't got any. They are a nice pea but still have that antho twang to them, though not as strong as some varieties.
                        Mostly Tomato Mania Blog


                        • #13
                          I recently renewed my HSL membership and asked about the above change, as I'd seen it on the website and I didn't think I could afford both. I was told the changes are only for new members, who now have to join Garden Organics to then be able to become a member of HSL. If you are already a member of HSL this can continue without needing to join Garden Organics as well (though I didn't ask if this will always be the case). The lady I spoke to explained it was because there are much fewer people signing up to HSL as opposed to Garden Organics who then have to subsidise the cost of running HSL, which is now why they have to join GO first. I did say I was pretty sure I couldn't afford to do both, so I really hope the extra cost to some won't mean less members and more changes to HSL?
                          Mostly Tomato Mania Blog


                          • #14
                            Chicken, I'm hoping that I won't have to message him with both Hazel and Poly offering. Another reason I'd like Caruther's PPP is that I'd love to follow in Rebsie Fairholm's footsteps and try breeding it with Alderman. I love Alderman peas and if I could get the colour from ppp with the flavour of Alderman I'd be on to a winner

                            Poly thank you If Hazel has no joy I hope you don't mind me sending you a pm? I think I'll contact HSL too and ask if I could join without joining GO. If they don't have many people signing up for HSL then maybe they'd welcome another supporter?
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                            • #15
                              Good luck with your project, Twinsane. When you've grown enough to have surplus seeds, spare a thought for the VSP


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