This section of the VSP will open from 01 January 2017.
The Virtual Seed Swap is where you can swap seeds you don’t want for ones you do. It's open to everyone who has been a member for 3 months or more, who has made more than 50 posts in the last 3 months and who has a UK return address.
This particular section will be open for swaps between 01 January and 30 April and then 01-30 November. It will close for the rest of the year so that I can get on with growing too.

Look through the lists of Cucurbit family, Lettuce family and Miscellaneous seeds below and decide what you want. Post your request on the VSP CLM seed requests thread together with what you plan to send in. I will PM you with my address if the swap is accepted - please read the fine print below.
Then send me your seeds, together with a copy of what you want in return & your Vine name, a self-addressed envelope/sticky label and enough stamps for return postage. There is no kitty or slush fund to beef up missing stamps. I will return any excess postage.
Please add a sender’s address on the envelope in case it goes astray in the postal system.
As a guide for the numbers of seeds expected:
5-10 seeds for cucurbits, aubergines
30-50 seeds for lettuce family
Minimum 15 seeds for the rest of the miscellaneous group
Please write legibly on each packet:
• Type
• Variety
• No of seeds
• Your Vine name
• Sow by dates or date seeds collected
• Anything else you think is needed; such as 'self saved', ‘from Real Seeds’ etc.
Please make sure the packets that you send in are properly sealed.
The fine print:
A maximum of 20 packets will be sent out at a time. There is no limit on the number of packets you can send in, but it must be at least equal to the number of packets you are requesting.
I will only swap variety for variety, i.e. 10 packs of the same seed will not be accepted as a swap for 10 different varieties. If you want to add something new to the Miscellaneous collection, please do make a case for it in your request and bear in mind the other sections of the VSP.

If there are 3 or more packs of a particular variety in the VSP, it will be marked as FULL and no more of that variety will be accepted until these seeds have been requested. This will prevent a build-up of common varieties that no one wants.
Happy swapping!