Anybody got any experience of growing in a lath house?
It might seem counter-intuitive in the UK, but here quite a few of my toms and peppers have suffered by being over-exposed to the sun (I think Penellype calls this green back). Anyway, I came across the concept of a lath house purely by chance and thought it might be a solution, plus better able to withstand hail.
But cutting out so much light seems very weird, even here in Spain.
It might seem counter-intuitive in the UK, but here quite a few of my toms and peppers have suffered by being over-exposed to the sun (I think Penellype calls this green back). Anyway, I came across the concept of a lath house purely by chance and thought it might be a solution, plus better able to withstand hail.
But cutting out so much light seems very weird, even here in Spain.