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Mdpe water pipe cloche


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  • Mdpe water pipe cloche

    Is there a thread on building these?
    What diameter of pipe.
    What length the hoops.
    Thinking of carrots, dwarf beans, potatoes (early protection)
    Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!

  • #2
    Hi Jimmy,

    I found this link below. I personally use both 20mm and 25mm one obviously stronger but less flexible than the other. The length of pipe will depend on the width of bed you are covering. Also some people push the ends of pipes into the ground and some insert canes or other spikes in the pipe and push that into the ground which can alter the length you need. Most of my beds are around 120cm to 140 wide and I have various hoop lengths from 2m to 2.5 m and longer depending on the height of crop I'm trying to protect.


    • #3
      I see Kristen has commented on that thread, his blog has easy instructions
      It is what I followed to make mine, I got 32mm pipe for free, so that's what mine are made of, they took a bit of persuading to bend at first, but now they are fine


      • #4
        I've also covered it at Alans Allotment: Blue Water Pipe & Netting
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • #5
          You can use 1" to 2" cuttings as clips. Just split\cut the pipe length ways and sandwich net, plastic etc .
          3 clips per hoop. helps to retain the shape.

          Clips pop on and off if you need to open it up.


          • #6
            Thanks for the info, will read up on the links.
            Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!


            • #7
              Just to say I've found that canes rot and snap off inside the pipe, which can be a bit tricky. I wonder what else I could use? I've had to bodge with stakes driven in beside the pipes (this is for my brassica cage, so bigger and more at risk from wind than a cloche tunnel) and cable ties, which isn't a great solution.


              • #8
                I have some metal 'canes' like these,

                You'd have to shop around for cheapest though


                • #9
                  Just form a hole in the soil with a suitable tube from a blow away or rod and push the end into the ground why make things complicated ? See Alans Allotment: Blue Water Pipe & Netting

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Sprout Netting Bracing.jpg
Views:	3
Size:	125.8 KB
ID:	2381975

                  Tall hoop frame for Sprouts
                  Last edited by Cadalot; 09-01-2019, 11:26 AM.
                  . .......Man Vs Slug
                  Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                  Nutters Club Member


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cadalot View Post
                    Just form a hole in the soil with a suitable tube from a blow away or rod and push the end into the ground why make things complicated ? See Alans Allotment: Blue Water Pipe & Netting


                    Tall hoop frame for Sprouts
                    I do the same. Perhaps make them a wee bit longer if you need the headroom


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 4Shoes View Post
                      I do the same. Perhaps make them a wee bit longer if you need the headroom
                      The article I wrote works backwards from the width of the scaffolding mesh, the width of the bed and derives the total length of hoops based on pushing the pipe 200mm into the ground, and thus gives you the headroom based on the above.
                      Last edited by Cadalot; 29-01-2019, 09:22 AM.
                      . .......Man Vs Slug
                      Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                      Nutters Club Member


                      • #12
                        Using the metal rods to, sometimes, raise the height means I don't have to add the additional bracing you've used - horses for courses or each to their own


                        • #13
                          For larger beds (2.4 x 4.8) 1 use 2.4m battens and 3m wide netting over wooden frames. Just lift batten over to alternate side to get full access. Skits made from 1m netting.


                          • #14
                            Mope and waste pipe

                            I�ve been using MDPE for 11 years on my plot. I�m still using the stuff I bought when I first got the plot, so it lasts well.
                            I slot it into lengths of 32mm plastic push fit waste pipe, which I also cut into different lengths. I just hammer it into the ground with a mallet, apart from one bed last year when I used a sledge hammer because the soil was so tough!🤣 I move the push fit around each year, depending on what I�m growing in each bed.
                            I found the MDPE was just too flexible when it came to covering sweet corn (sounds mad but .. the local squirrels love sweet corn so we have to cover it when the cobs start maturing). That�s when I realised I need to use longer pieces of waste pipe to make a more sturdy structure.
                            The only downside with this arrangement is that I find the odd snail has taken refuge in the push fit. However, that�s nothing that a stomp with the wellie can�t solve.
                            I can�t recommend MDPE enough. Just love the stuff!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Couchkiller Woman View Post
                              I’ve been using MDPE for 11 years on my plot. I’m still using the stuff I bought when I first got the plot, so it lasts well.
                              I slot it into lengths of 32mm plastic push fit waste pipe, which I also cut into different lengths. I just hammer it into the ground with a mallet, apart from one bed last year when I used a sledge hammer because the soil was so tough!�� I move the push fit around each year, depending on what I’m growing in each bed.
                              I found the MDPE was just too flexible when it came to covering sweet corn (sounds mad but .. the local squirrels love sweet corn so we have to cover it when the cobs start maturing). That’s when I realised I need to use longer pieces of waste pipe to make a more sturdy structure.
                              The only downside with this arrangement is that I find the odd snail has taken refuge in the push fit. However, that’s nothing that a stomp with the wellie can’t solve.
                              I can’t recommend MDPE enough. Just love the stuff!
                              Welcome to the forum


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