Luckily I've got a bench in my greenhouse with a soil warming cable installed into damp sand. I just chuck a bit of fleece over my Tom's if it's going to be really cold overnight. Say below 4 degrees. Just to make sure there OK. I also get a notification on my phone if it drops below 4c in the greenhouse. Thanks netatmo
Ill have to put them in there final spots sometime in April. And I will use a small fan heater connected to a thermostat set to come on at 10c. It seems to keep them growing well and does not cost a great deal doing it like that. (Ideally I'd have a rocket mass heater in the greenhouse but that's maybe a project for next year)
I usually have to do that till around my last frost date which is about May 10.but last year Was a cold may and I ended up using the heater till June. It Was worth it though. Had a massive crop
Ill have to put them in there final spots sometime in April. And I will use a small fan heater connected to a thermostat set to come on at 10c. It seems to keep them growing well and does not cost a great deal doing it like that. (Ideally I'd have a rocket mass heater in the greenhouse but that's maybe a project for next year)
I usually have to do that till around my last frost date which is about May 10.but last year Was a cold may and I ended up using the heater till June. It Was worth it though. Had a massive crop