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Planting out tomatoes


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  • #16
    Luckily I've got a bench in my greenhouse with a soil warming cable installed into damp sand. I just chuck a bit of fleece over my Tom's if it's going to be really cold overnight. Say below 4 degrees. Just to make sure there OK. I also get a notification on my phone if it drops below 4c in the greenhouse. Thanks netatmo

    Ill have to put them in there final spots sometime in April. And I will use a small fan heater connected to a thermostat set to come on at 10c. It seems to keep them growing well and does not cost a great deal doing it like that. (Ideally I'd have a rocket mass heater in the greenhouse but that's maybe a project for next year)

    I usually have to do that till around my last frost date which is about May 10.but last year Was a cold may and I ended up using the heater till June. It Was worth it though. Had a massive crop
    Last edited by Urban; 22-03-2020, 11:38 PM.


    • #17
      Is it worth potting on tomatoes (to say, a 5"-7" pot) from the 4" seed pots before going up to the final locations, whether greenhouse border or 15" pots etc.?
      Location:- Rugby, Warwckshire on Limy clay (within sight of the Cement factory)


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mark Rand View Post
        Is it worth potting on tomatoes (to say, a 5"-7" pot) from the 4" seed pots before going up to the final locations, whether greenhouse border or 15" pots etc.?
        One of the things with tomatoes is that they really do not like being root-bound in a pot - so knock one of your plants out of its pot and check the roots, if they are beginning to look congested then you definitely need to put them in larger pots. Remember to bring the potting compost in to the warm the day before you do the reporting BTW - warmth, light and ample feeding/watering are the necessary elements of growing the best plants (I usually fail on one or two of these, due mostly to laziness)


        • #19
          If they�re sowed in March they�re alright in a 3� pot until May/Early June planting out time,if they are potbound from being left longer,sometimes you can gently wiggle the roots to have them facing outwards instead of wrapping round in a rootbound style. I just go up from module/cell to a 3� pot then plant out as soon as it�s 10 degrees or above overnight for two week forecast. Unless the seeds were sown in Jan/Feb,then they go up into a 5� pot because of the length of time & size of the plant,they�d get rootbound otherwise.
          Location : Essex


          • #20
            I go from cells, to a 3inch and then on to a 7inch and after that to their final planting out spot.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • #21
              These were February sown ones. Potted most of them on today, along with some of the chillies. It was a lovely day to spend in the greenhouse!
              Location:- Rugby, Warwckshire on Limy clay (within sight of the Cement factory)


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