I�ve got a 3 x 2 m tunnel on my plot. The cover blew off and tore
when we had those high winds, leaving just the framework.
I�ve managed to source a replacement cover, so took it over.
I was gutted to see that someone must have done a flying kick
into the side of the end loop of the frame. The downpipe had been
Jubilee clipped to a broom handle driven at least 30� into the ground,
but now the broom handle has been torn out of the ground.
My problem now is replacing the broken connectors that hold the pipes of
the frame together. The pipes are 15mm diameter, and I need T connectors
for where the side laterals meet the end frames, and 4 hole cross connectors
for where the middle uprights cross the side laterals. I�ve been unable to locate
any. I�ve already spent over �130 on the original tunnel and the replacement
cover, so I�m loathe to throw it away.
Stay safe, everyone.
when we had those high winds, leaving just the framework.
I�ve managed to source a replacement cover, so took it over.
I was gutted to see that someone must have done a flying kick
into the side of the end loop of the frame. The downpipe had been
Jubilee clipped to a broom handle driven at least 30� into the ground,
but now the broom handle has been torn out of the ground.
My problem now is replacing the broken connectors that hold the pipes of
the frame together. The pipes are 15mm diameter, and I need T connectors
for where the side laterals meet the end frames, and 4 hole cross connectors
for where the middle uprights cross the side laterals. I�ve been unable to locate
any. I�ve already spent over �130 on the original tunnel and the replacement
cover, so I�m loathe to throw it away.
Stay safe, everyone.