How well should a greenhouse door fit ?
My greenhouse is about a month old and is a Europa Manor Regent made by Eden. Im sure that when I first put the door on and it was in the closed position the door brushes sat snug against the frame. I have been out there today and we have had very heavy winds, I was shocked that the whole greenhouse appeared to be shaking. The only place the wind seems to be getting in is through a gap that has appeared around the door. Its about half an inch on one side. A little less on the other , the whole length of the door. The gap is when you look at the door from the side. The door is in the right positon when it shuts, it just seems to have come away from the greenhouse.
If i push the door with my hand from outside back towards the greenhouse the gap closes. But the whole door mechanism seems baggy, especially at the bottom. The construction of the sliding mechanism is not good at all. You have wheels at the top you can adjust and the bottom of the door has like plastic blocks that sit on the bottom runner. I can see no way of adjusting the door to pull it back into the frame to close the gaps. I dont think the door has bent, I would call Eden but they are closed for Easter. We have severe gales forcast for the next few days. I am not sure what to do. Does anyone here have this greenhouse ? Is the door supposed to close air tight ?
I hope this is understandable, I would go and take photos but it is pouring down.
Is the whole structure supposed to flex ? It is on concrete and well bolted down but even the staging seemed to be rattling. I was scared to stay in there
My greenhouse is about a month old and is a Europa Manor Regent made by Eden. Im sure that when I first put the door on and it was in the closed position the door brushes sat snug against the frame. I have been out there today and we have had very heavy winds, I was shocked that the whole greenhouse appeared to be shaking. The only place the wind seems to be getting in is through a gap that has appeared around the door. Its about half an inch on one side. A little less on the other , the whole length of the door. The gap is when you look at the door from the side. The door is in the right positon when it shuts, it just seems to have come away from the greenhouse.
If i push the door with my hand from outside back towards the greenhouse the gap closes. But the whole door mechanism seems baggy, especially at the bottom. The construction of the sliding mechanism is not good at all. You have wheels at the top you can adjust and the bottom of the door has like plastic blocks that sit on the bottom runner. I can see no way of adjusting the door to pull it back into the frame to close the gaps. I dont think the door has bent, I would call Eden but they are closed for Easter. We have severe gales forcast for the next few days. I am not sure what to do. Does anyone here have this greenhouse ? Is the door supposed to close air tight ?
I hope this is understandable, I would go and take photos but it is pouring down.
Is the whole structure supposed to flex ? It is on concrete and well bolted down but even the staging seemed to be rattling. I was scared to stay in there
