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Auto Watering


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  • Auto Watering

    I'm sure someone out there must be able to advise me. Does anyone have experience of using an automatic watering system in the greenhouse? All it is, is a tank that is filled with a watering can or hose, lengths of pipe drip feed water to the plants over a period of time. What I really want to know is, would such a system be capable of taking care of the watering needs in the greenhouse whilst we were away on holiday? I appreciate that time would be dependant on the size of tank.

    Just one other thing, although in a similar vien. Would the auto vents and louvres that are available take care of greenhouse ventilation well enough to be left to their own devices? At best I could ask someone to refill tank and check things over once a week whilst we are away.

    I know I've asked these questions before but I really need some advice.

    It is the doom of man, that they forget.

  • #2
    i will be using a slim water butt inside the greenhouse, with a timer and drip feeder system

    i have other water butts round the back of my house and hosepipe down the garden to the veggie patch / greenhouse, so (with another timer) i can automatically refill the greenhouse water butt (house is higher level than greenhouse) - you could do similar just by raising a water butt higher than the one in the greenhouse

    just a case of testing to see how long greenhouse water butt will last and how long it will take to refill it


    • #3
      Hi Snuffer,

      I use outomatic watering system (battery operated water timer with dripping system) in our garden when we are away for holidays. We have both Hozelock (5 years by now) and Gardena (3 years by now) which work really well and realiable.
      You will need a water tap to connect them as for the amount of water, it really depend on how frequent and how long you water them (ours were connected to the garden tap).
      I grow, I pick, I eat ...


      • #4
        I have used a system purchased from Two Wests & Elliot for
        many years now. It is called Tropf Blumat and whilst appearing quite expensive works wonderfully for me.
        The system works on the principle that a permeable probe inserted in the growbag or soil forms a vacuum when it dries out, this allows water to drip through a tube until there is again sufficient moisture to reduce the vacuum and cut off the flow of water.
        The beautiful thing about this system is that when adjusted properly ( by trial and error) it compensates exactly for temperature and plant water usage the which ,as far as I am aware, only a sophisticated electronic system can compare.
        I have a water supply to the greenhouse, filling a ball valved tank and once the probes have been adjusted, which may take a week or more, works from May to September and the only thing I do is add soluble fertiliser to the tank.
        Some probes do stop working owing to blockages in the feed pipe but this is rare and can easily be rectified.


        • #5
          I would be inclined to use capillary matting and a wick in the tank. It is more reliable than the drip systems as it can't block. Then you could get someone to fill the tank from time to time. Do a trial run before you go on your hols to see how long the tank lasts.
          Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


          • #6
            Thanks for that, plenty to be thinking about there. It's just nice to know how other people solve these problems and that there are answers out there. I new you'd come good. Thanks.
            It is the doom of man, that they forget.


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