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What can I grow in a greenhouse?
What can I grow in a greenhouse?
Can any one suggest what I can grow in a greenhouse other than toms and cucumbers. I have the use of my neighbours greenhouse but I have only grow tomato's up to now.All suggestions welcome but veg and not too exotic would be best.
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Where abouts are you located Bobbin? (latitude makes all the difference...) The usual ones are aubergines and sweet peppers/chillies. It's not unknown for people to try sweetcorn, strawberries and (providing you've got it for some time!) even asparagus. If you've got the use of it through the winter very useful for winter salad stuff - big range available these days - which, even if the greenhouse is unheated (and depending quite where you're located), will just about keep going right through Winter. bb..
Melons too exotic?...or tomatillos, Aubergines, basil, chillies, sweet peppers, french beans Glasshouses come into their own for early/late crops of lettuce, strawberries and beans etc....or xmas new potatoes.
I have three greenhouses and still never have enough room...although I use them for different purposes. One house is just propagation, while the others are for growing on summer crops, late/early crops and winter storage.
A little auto ventilation, insulation and shading does help. Add the luxuries of heating, lighting and irrigation then dessert or tropical jungles your limit.
Ive got tayberrys, strawberrys, loganberrys, gooseberrys, figs,courgettes, peppers, chillies,cucumbers,melons, beetroot, onions, carrots, beans ,tomatoes and some salad leaves. am gutted i didn't sow spagetti squash, butternut squash and pumpkin. am going to grow garlic in oct. Its my first year and im learning alot on the way (by my mistakes).
Originally posted by nikkijy View PostIve got tayberrys, strawberrys, loganberrys, gooseberrys, figs,courgettes, peppers, chillies,cucumbers,melons, beetroot, onions, carrots, beans ,tomatoes and some salad leaves. am gutted i didn't sow spagetti squash, butternut squash and pumpkin. am going to grow garlic in oct. Its my first year and im learning alot on the way (by my mistakes).All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
I'm new too, totally new in fact to growing. I have a plastic sheeted greenhouse ( hubby won't buy me a proper one until I don't get bored ). I have potted my seeds in there to start them off, nothing started as yet but it was only Saturday. Peas I have potted outside under a net after I caught birds trying to steal them and 2 have sprouted today. I put sprouted potatoes in the garden then realised I didn't know exactly where they were so wouldn't know what was potatoes or weeds. I dug them up Tuesday and put them in large pots and 2 of those have poked through too. Don't know if I'm doing anything right but something is happening.
I have a slightly related problem - any clues would be appreciated. I can grow any of the things you a have all listed - outside a greenhouse in my vegatable plot - but seeing as i'm a (frustrated) English gardener living in America, I would dearly love a greenhouse - but I don't know if i need one! What could i grow in it? bananas?
hi two sheds. my greenhouse is about 120ft and its the width of two greenhouses. on one side weve got the tayberrys, loganberrys and gooseberrys which were there and well established when we took it on. there is also a lot of weeds and my husbands tools. the other side weve got all the other veg and i can add to my list some butternut squash and some spagetti squash that ive been donated. My daughter also wants to plant some round carrots as they really amused her. August were gonna fill the rest of space with some spuds for winter.hope this explains all.
Idiot proof potatoes?
Hi. I'm really new to this gardening lark. I have a greenhouse under construction, should be finished this weekend if the rain holds off. Would love to grow potatoes in it, do i just put some seed potatoes in pots? If so how deep do i plant?
Told you I know nowt!
The new veg bed will over winter with manure ready for sowing in spring.WPC F Hobbit, Shire police
HI FionaH,
With ref. potatoes in greenhouse i have just planted some seed.potatoes ready for going in greenhouse later on when all tom's etc have finished the instructions that came with the tatties was to plant them 5 inchs deep so ive planted that depth the truth will be known come christmas hope this is use to you
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