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My New Greenhouse & New Tomato Plants?


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  • My New Greenhouse & New Tomato Plants?

    Hi there,

    I've now got my new greenhouse built (with a few smashed panes of glass at present), and ive just bought 3 tomato plants and a pepper plant - diff varieties.

    They are about 10-12" tall, I have a few questions:

    a) what temp shoudl my greeenhouse be - i need to know if the smashed panes are going to ba a major problem at present (im going to replace)
    b) Can i take the plants out their pots and put in growbags (grow bags dont seem deep enough?)
    c) can i mix varietes in same gro bag....
    d) how many per grow bag & can my peppers go in a grow bag?

    many thanks,
    Central Scotland
    New to Gardening.
    Have 1 Small Greenhouse with Chilli's
    Onions, Beetroot, Garlice & Sweetcorn in the Garden

  • #2
    Temperature shouldn't be a problem at present as I seem to be having to leave my door open most nights even but I'd get the glass in as soon as if I were you

    Three Toms per growbag and as you say they are not very deep so to increase this you cen buy either special grow bag pots or cut the bottom frm a large black pot and sink this into the grow bag, fill with compost and plant Toms in that

    Yes you can mix varieties

    Peppers grow okay in grow bags or large pots, again 3 plants to a grow bag


    • #3
      ok, will a 6" pop be ok? im just going to cut the bottom from it.

      Also, can peppers be mixed with tomtaot in same bag?

      many thanks for your help,
      Central Scotland
      New to Gardening.
      Have 1 Small Greenhouse with Chilli's
      Onions, Beetroot, Garlice & Sweetcorn in the Garden


      • #4
        6" pot should be ok. I think mine are about that size or a bit bigger. I've cut the bottoms off. I've got 3 to a growbag, which means more watering and feeding. Have put two upside-down coke bottles (with the bottoms cut off) in between each plant, then put diluted liquid feed in the coke bottles and then plain water in the top of each pot. Something to do with needing to feed the bottom roots and water the top ones! Would have thought peppers would be fine with tomatoes, though I've never tried it. My peppers are growing next to my tomatoes, though, and they're fine.


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