Boys, does my husband faff. 24 hours it has taken to lay some paving slabs and put together a 6x4 greenhouse - which is still minus the polycarb. Still, shouldn't moan, most of it is done now 
So my thoughts have turned from nagging him to get on with it to how best to furnish it. I reckon I need a small potting style table (no where else to pot you see), something to offer shade (south facing garden with no natural shade) and something to help keep things warm in the winter.
I'd appreciate your advice on what to buy, where to buy from and what is most economical/environmentally friendly way of acheiving those 3 things.
Thanks for your help and advice.

So my thoughts have turned from nagging him to get on with it to how best to furnish it. I reckon I need a small potting style table (no where else to pot you see), something to offer shade (south facing garden with no natural shade) and something to help keep things warm in the winter.
I'd appreciate your advice on what to buy, where to buy from and what is most economical/environmentally friendly way of acheiving those 3 things.
Thanks for your help and advice.