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Autumn/winter veg in a greenhouse?


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  • Autumn/winter veg in a greenhouse?

    Hi all,

    I'm new to growing plants in a greenhouse and I've just put up a greenhouse this year. Does anyone know if I should grow any veg in there over the autumn/winter ? I planted some peas and some lettuce in a border I made, (it's only small) but do you think it would be better to leave certain things in the beds outside the greenhouse to overwinter instead? Does anyone else grow veg in the greenhouse over winter? Any advice appreciated

  • #2
    I overwinter container plants such as a fig, lemon trees and blueberries so I don't have a lot of room spare. I do grow broad beans in pots for planting out in early spring and maybe you could try some winter salad leaves.

    Vegetable Kingdom blog


    • #3
      I like experimenting and hate to see plants struggling in the allotment during the winter when they could have a comparatively warm dry greenhouse instead!
      With this in mind the buckets I had the tomatoes in have just become receptacles for winter veg.
      At present I only have Redbor Kale And Toscana Kale but will bring various other brassicas indoors. Even if they just make leafy growth it will be something.
      I'm going to try shallots in pots, maybe some onion sets, lettuce and whatever takes my fancy, including barley. Some of my Jalapenos planted in a raised indoor bed look like they may survive the winter as well.
      My potted chrysanths are just starting to flower and i may bring in some perpetual carnations as well. At present quite a bit of space is taken up with onions drying and the remains of my sweet peppers and cape gooseberry!
      Yep, I'm really looking forward to my winter experimentation!

      PS I always bang on about seeing bare beds on other plots in the winter outdoors so the least I can do is make sure my greenhouses are well utilised throughout the winter as well. I aim always to have a crop in the soil outdoors if at all possible!
      Last edited by Snadger; 07-10-2008, 05:43 PM.
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #4
        Snadger... you make me feel so lazy
        Thanks for the replies, I'll certainly try some winter salad leaves and I'd never thought of growing Kale. We've had some warm days recently and the greenhouse has reached 30 degrees C easily so I don't know if that's good for winter veg! But I'll let you know how I get on!


        • #5
          well my radishes are still going, so blow me down I am going to plant some more to see.
          so is the mustard and rocket, so i am going to re-sow those this week.
          plus we have a spring onion/onion seed experiment planned for boxing day ( watch out for the thread, planting on the 29th dec)
          I have peas and broad beans in for over wintering , and garlic.
          plus some potatoes in buckets to see if i can get any for xmas day, although i think i was too late, even though they have shoots and leaves now, oh well maybe later than xmas then
          I am a great one for just trying.why not, there is always more seed.

          ooh and i forgot, two trays of onion sets red and white, and some shallots, can't think of anything else off hand, but i bet there is something.
          Last edited by BrideXIII; 10-10-2008, 10:22 PM.
          Vive Le Revolution!!!
          'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
          Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


          • #6
            Trays of onion sets?

            Hi there

            What do you mean by trays?
            My soil is very diseased with onion white root rot.
            I am trying different growing techniques like growbags with mixed success.

            Be good to gardeners


            • #7
              [QUOTE=Capsid;291623]I overwinter container plants such as a fig, lemon trees and blueberries so I don't have a lot of room spare. QUOTE]

              Do I need to put my blueberry plants into the greenhouse? I thought they would be ok by a shltered wall? EEk running out of space
              WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


              • #8
                Originally posted by Capsid View Post
                I overwinter container plants such as a fig, lemon trees and blueberries so I don't have a lot of room spare. QUOTE]

                Do I need to put my blueberry plants into the greenhouse? I thought they would be ok by a shltered wall? EEk running out of space
                They'll be alright outside, actually this year I will probably keep mine outside too.

                Vegetable Kingdom blog


                • #9
                  the butternut squash i planted in pots to test germination, is still doing well in the greenhouse, so they have now been planted on into a big tub, to see if they will survive.
                  and me tatties are going great guns for xmas now.
                  peas are doing fine also as are the two trays of onion sets.
                  all this despite the below 0 temps a few days back.
                  Vive Le Revolution!!!
                  'Lets just stick it in, and see what happens?'
                  Cigarette FREE since 07-01-09


                  • #10
                    Glad I dont have to bring the blueberries in
                    My tatties are going great guns too, hoping to have new potatoes for Christmas. This is my first year growing anything so dead excited!
                    WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                    • #11
                      In my greenhouse I'm growing some wheat, red onions, elephant garlic, and overwintering some plants like a shaped topiary, apple tree, cherry treee, and chestnut tree as they are really young still. I've also got some peas growing too. This is my first year for a greenhouse so I'm really experimenting
                      Peaceful days are in the garden!


                      • #12
                        I'm growing oriental salad veggies, komatsuna and mibuna in my unheated GH. Both are great and quick-growing. Mizuna's just as quick but I'm not doing that this year. Pak choi I've also tried before but I found that a bit slower. I've also sowed some rocket and it's all coming up now.


                        • #13
                          i have Aubergine, Roma and san marzano tomatoes being grown from seed, the Sugar snap peas [oregon] are doing fantastically well i potted some peas tea which are germinating fast


                          • #14
                            first time growing tatties too planted in tubs four in each had half a carrier bag at christmas best present i had christmas day(sad aint i)


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