Could any forumers recommend a melon variety that goes well in a polytunnel. I grew Zucherino Rampicante from Seeds of Italy 3 years ago which did ok but subsequent seasons have been poor some plants either failed completely with the ones surviving having very poor root development with very little fruit and what fruit i have had have been very small. Both sowing direct and sowing to transplant have had the same results. I cant understand why the first year had moderate success with the rest rubbish. Next year i am going to try in one of the greenhouses and some outdoor under or in some kind of cold frame or cloche protection. Would this variety benefit from hand pollination as its not a F1 variety?
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Can't answer your question Bravo2zero, but 3 years ago we had a good summer and the last 2 summers have been pretty rubbish. Don't know where you are in the country (but you can go into Personal Profile and show us) but do you think the weather had anything to do with the difference.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
I think Alice has the answer.
The last 2 summers have been cool, dark and damp. 2006 was a good year for tender things like melons and squashes (I've never had so many butternuts)All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
I grew Charantaise this year in my greenhouse, whilst my gardening guru who lives up the road, failed completely with his outdoor crop. I think the weather is almost definately the cause, last 2 summers non existant. I know I live in France but I'm only a couple of hundred miles further south from where I lived in England, so not that much of a difference in climate.
PW's link looks good, mine were saved seed from my neighbour so couldnt recommend anything except those. (I have some if you would like to PM me for a trial.)Bob Leponge
Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.
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