Just heard , on Radio4, about an enormous green/glass house built in Kent. It reminded me that I believe I read, some time long ago, about an experimental greenhouse up in somewhere like Wick. It was built very tall such that the rising heat effectively caused different temperature climates throughout the hight of the building thereby being very " green" in its use of energy, even growing tropical fruits that far north.
Does anyone know if it is still there ?
On the subject of heating greenhouses how do the contributers to the "what I did today" thread afford to plant and grow tomatoes at this time of year?
Even being much later I reckoned that my toms must have cost several pounds each last year by the time energy was taken into account
Does anyone know if it is still there ?
On the subject of heating greenhouses how do the contributers to the "what I did today" thread afford to plant and grow tomatoes at this time of year?
Even being much later I reckoned that my toms must have cost several pounds each last year by the time energy was taken into account