I have a large 90ft x30ft and 10 ft tall Poly tunnel
which I bought second hand last summer I managed to save the cover and will give it a try this year and replace if not good enough (it is nice and supple still with no tears). I have located the tunnel in my paddock which I think is a little too shaded with near by trees but will see how it goes; I also have 50 persistent Orpington and Amberlink chickens ready to break in at every opportunity (which has happened twice and set back my spring cabbages and broccoli!!) I now have fort Knox security and feel my chicken raid days are over).
My Fear now is time; It was a great idea to use the space but just the enormity of the project is starting to put a little tarnish on the whole scheme. I look at my plan and seem to have decided to use every little space throughout the whole year. Please can some one tell me not to worry and get on with it or have you experienced this and decided to scale down and bite off what I can chew!!
I realise it is a nice quandary to have but should I plough on or take a step back?
Advice would be appreciated!

My Fear now is time; It was a great idea to use the space but just the enormity of the project is starting to put a little tarnish on the whole scheme. I look at my plan and seem to have decided to use every little space throughout the whole year. Please can some one tell me not to worry and get on with it or have you experienced this and decided to scale down and bite off what I can chew!!
I realise it is a nice quandary to have but should I plough on or take a step back?
Advice would be appreciated!
