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New covers for mini greenhouses


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  • New covers for mini greenhouses

    Hi all

    I have three B&Q mini greenhouse things (picture attached) they're great really sturdy

    My problem is, the covers, only one has remained undamaged, the others have tears at the zips where the zip and the plastic have parted company (the zips are still fine)

    My questions is this, does anybody have a clue on how I can fix them or what to use to make new ones. I had thought about using plastic and velcro but not sure what type of plastic to use
    Any suggestions gratefully received

    Attached Files

  • #2
    where can you buy replacements?

    I have one of these too. Its great, far better than other types I've bought since. Its framework is very sturdy, not at all flimsy, but the cover ripped and I have been unable to replace it.I have bought a couple of others now, they are flimsy in comparison, but do the job, I suppose. They are also very lightweight, so I'm not confident they'll survive any decent winds! If anyone knows where the covers for this particular model can be had, please don't keep it to yourself!
    many thanks


    • #3
      you can buy new covers, from wilkies and poundstretcher for about �4


      • #4
        Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
        you can buy new covers, from wilkies and poundstretcher for about �4
        would they fit the B&Q ones?

        Most of the covers I've seen are the wrong shape, they're built for the "pointy" topped two and a bit feet wide ones



        • #5
          oh i dunno lol, sorry didn't really study them, haven't gpt a mini greenhouse, think they had a few different ones though ..... sorry, not much help, have you tried B&Q ??


          • #6
            Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
            , have you tried B&Q ??
            Tried B&Q, all they could tell me was the manufacturer was in China (isn't everything) or Hong Kong but they would try and get the phone number if I wanted

            I think my best bet is to replace the door section with some new plastic and fix it on with velcro, maybe make it a bit wider than the original

            The problem was that the cover was so tight when you zipped it up the stiching on the zip eventually went

            My main problem was I would go out and forget to open the door and come back about lunchtime to find the plants stewed, the heat that can build up in them is amazing


            • #7
              The ripping cover is a real design flaw with these very useful bit of equipment. I have got through quite a few covers (the rounded top types). It is a real nuisance. You can buy some very stong weatherproof tape which might be useful to fix your cover. Worth a try to fix it if you can. I keep mine in the greenhouse where it serves as a very protected place for seedlings etc and it doesn't matter so much if the cover is a bit ripped.


              • #8
                Write or email B & Q about the problem of getting a replacement cover, they might get one sent to you free you never know till you ask.
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • #9
                  Have you tried ebay......i spotted my little boy's teddy bear (from Tesco) on there - New deliveryed from China....when you checked out the guys others auctions - he had the lot - Sainsbury / Asda / Tesco / etc etc etc - so may be worth searching on there for (I guess) Greenhouse Cover......
                  AKA - BigMatt over at Chillis Galore......


                  • #10
                    we have the other type and replace the cover every year (wilkingsons) you can get the plastic sheeting from places that sew awnings for caravans, there still are a few in the uk.
                    Yo an' Bob
                    Walk lightly on the earth
                    take only what you need
                    give all you can
                    and your produce will be bountifull


                    • #11
                      My three all had ripped covers after one growing season a real waste of time. The racks however have now made excellent staging in the grow house so at the 15 pounds I paid for each I'm well happy.

                      You definately could previously get covers for the b and q type ones as I saw them for 15 pounds delivered on some website but I wasnt going to buy them as I only paid this for the whole caboodle.

                      Best of luck

                      '3000 volts says the ducks
                      are mine foxey !'


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