Anyone built their own shed???
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I have built 2 sheds...the first was a small 6x6 simply for tools of my own deseign and the second I adapted from this link:
I increased the dimensions so it was 12x8, and I just used a flat board and felt roof as it was only for the allotment.
If you are looking for cheap go and chat up the garden centre manager for your local B&Q type store. Often their flat pack sheds arrive damaged or are returned as faulty etc. You can then buy assorted sides, doors etc as a job lot for very little just need to be good at jigsaws!
Please ask for any specific advice.Geordie
Te audire non possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure
Thanks for that Geordie - excellent idea. Ours was an inheritance too and must be at least 40 years old held together by birds nests and old stockings - yukk - Norah Batty probably had our plot once!"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
shed size
I've built a field shelter and a stable for the horse and also rescued a shed that was rotten at the bottom. All were a basic design and not a lot to any of them. Take a digital camera into B&Q (or similar) and take lots of pictures inside and out (without getting caught) and copy it at home.
You could either dig 3 x 3 posts into the ground or use the Metpost 3"x3" spikes and knock them in (having them vertical is very important). You can then use these as your strong corners to nail/screw everything to. You can suspend the floor off it using joist hangers (available from B&Q or Builders merchants) and the sides can be rails bought from a saw mill or timber merchants.
One advantage of doing your own is you can build it to incorporate what you think you will need. My one main point would be to decide on the largest size you think you will need - and then make it bigger!!!! All 3 we have built I've though afterwards - if only I'd added 2 extra feet that way.
It all depends upon how handy you are with a saw and hammer / screwdriver and how much time you can spare.
If vandalism is a problem on your site you can toughen your self build version up and reinforce the doors/window easier than a bought one as they use the thinnest possible material. But you won't stop a really determined thief or vandal.
Great fun though. And nearly as reqarding as growing the veg.Dave
Do what you enjoy, or learn to enjoy what you do - life is too short.
sheds and scaffolding planks !!!!!
look at this!!!! see Corkey's shed!
Thanks for your help. I think this will be a next year plan as we want to do some raised beds and extra fencing this year. You never know if we can get hold of v cheap scaffolding planks we could have a go at that 'nuclear bunker'!!
Geordie's plans are excellent and a trip to B&Q would cetainly be worthwhile! What size of shed do most people have and would prefer,and is there a benefit from having the door at the end or at the side? Is it better to have 2 sheds so there is more wall space for shelving/hanging tools? We have a greenhouse we use as a bolt hole in the rain so floor space isn't so desperate. Any photos????"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
The rescued shed is 8' x 6' and this is not big enough.
Under the window I have an 18" wide bench/worktop with drawers underneath that. The end wall has a 10" shelf at about 6' high (runs from the top of one wall to the other under the peak of the roof) and a 6" shelf two thirds along one wall. The other third of that wall is clear and I use the hooks to hang tools up out of the way.
The door is at the end which is fine. I wish I'd raised the whole thing about 2 feet further off the ground and gained more shelf space. The high roof could then have been shelved out as well for canes etc.
I could easily fill one twice the size. It's in the garden and not at a plot so I can store somethings outside but it would be nice to have everything tucked away.
As far as sheds go, size matters.
Do what you enjoy, or learn to enjoy what you do - life is too short.
And I thought everyone aspired to a shed like mine!!!
no really - I am planning on building a new shed and managed to scrounge some fence panels, which I have dismantled which has given me some of the framework and quite alot of feather edge boarding for the walls. I will probably miss the old shed when it's gone though - probably...........!
take a look
I have two sheds - a 6x4 for my tools, chainsaw and DIY bits and pieces, a 10 x 6 for timber, logs and kindling and a greenhouse - all full to the neck !!!!
My advice therefore is similar to that offered by those before me - think about what size you want then go bigger - a lot bigger !
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
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