Hi, I have a problem and I�m not sure how to resolve it.
My partner lives on 5 acres of land and is great friends with the land owner.
The landowners wife had two 54ft long by about 12ft wide poly tunnels.
After taking down one of the tunnels as it was damaged beyond repair my partner and I decided to utilise the second of the two.
Now this tunnel needs a small repair as one end of it is torn, which is no major issue as we have a friend who uses tunnels a lot and has offered to help us repair it.
The problem is because of the tear in the tunnel a lot of weeds took root.
Nettles and Thistles being the majority.
They were well overgrown, and in some cases were about 6ft tall.
The Nettles we are managing to uproot (even though the root systems are extensive.) But the thistles seeds were unavoidable.
As we started clearing out the overgrown and dead mess all the seeds fell into the soil.
( like dandilion seeds blow off in the wind)
Now the soil in this tunnel is beautiful and would grow some superb vegetables and plants ( we have a stream outside our window and have made a nice place to sit in the summer ) so I want to be able to grow my flowering plants to accommodate this.
But also our vegetables, I know that the planting etc will probably be delayed until next summer, and was maybe hoping to get some garlic in this summer and outside for the winter as the frost helps with them.
But how do I get the thistle seeds out of my soil as I am pretty sure that the minute I water the tunnel these seeds will take root and I will end up spending all my time weeding.
I have a great mist and sprinkler system in this tunnel and great soil so it would be a shame to put all the work to waste because of this and I don�t really want to use weed killer as I would like it to be organic, or as organic as I can make it.
We did find some lovely purple sage and some apple mint which despite all the overgrowth of weeds managed to survive.
Along with some elephant ears.
I just need to figure out how to get rid of these thistle seeds before they germinate.
My partner lives on 5 acres of land and is great friends with the land owner.
The landowners wife had two 54ft long by about 12ft wide poly tunnels.
After taking down one of the tunnels as it was damaged beyond repair my partner and I decided to utilise the second of the two.
Now this tunnel needs a small repair as one end of it is torn, which is no major issue as we have a friend who uses tunnels a lot and has offered to help us repair it.
The problem is because of the tear in the tunnel a lot of weeds took root.
Nettles and Thistles being the majority.
They were well overgrown, and in some cases were about 6ft tall.
The Nettles we are managing to uproot (even though the root systems are extensive.) But the thistles seeds were unavoidable.
As we started clearing out the overgrown and dead mess all the seeds fell into the soil.
( like dandilion seeds blow off in the wind)
Now the soil in this tunnel is beautiful and would grow some superb vegetables and plants ( we have a stream outside our window and have made a nice place to sit in the summer ) so I want to be able to grow my flowering plants to accommodate this.
But also our vegetables, I know that the planting etc will probably be delayed until next summer, and was maybe hoping to get some garlic in this summer and outside for the winter as the frost helps with them.
But how do I get the thistle seeds out of my soil as I am pretty sure that the minute I water the tunnel these seeds will take root and I will end up spending all my time weeding.
I have a great mist and sprinkler system in this tunnel and great soil so it would be a shame to put all the work to waste because of this and I don�t really want to use weed killer as I would like it to be organic, or as organic as I can make it.
We did find some lovely purple sage and some apple mint which despite all the overgrowth of weeds managed to survive.
Along with some elephant ears.
I just need to figure out how to get rid of these thistle seeds before they germinate.