Hi all, We have marketmore cucumbers in indivividual florist pots in the polytunnel with a string support behind them to climb up. I'm now really confused as towhat to do now as the growiing advise for indoor and outdoor varieties seemsquite different in terms of pollination and side shoots etc. My confusion has grown as we are growing the outdoor marketmore ridge cuc inside a pollytunnel! Any advice really really welcome! Many thanks
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Marketmore cucumbers in a polytunnel
The advice really relates to the variety, rather than where you grow it. 'Outdoor' varieties need to be pollinated (male flowers are left ON), and are usually allowed to ramble around wherever there is space for them. Old fashioned greenhouse varieties shouldn't be pollinated (male flowers taken OFF) and are usually trained/tied to supports. Newer greenhouse F1 varieties don't produce male flowers at all (unless stressed, in which case take them OFF) and are also trained up supports.
Your Marketmore in the tunnel can be trained up if you like, I think you can leave the sideshoots alone if there's room for them. (Not entirely sure where the cucs will come from on the plant, you may HAVE to leave a bit of sideshoot on...?) But they will need pollination, plus maybe some shading behind them if it gets really hot in there?
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