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Tomato problems


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  • Tomato problems

    I am a newbie to both polytunnel and tom growing and need help if possible! We have 6 different varieties of vine toms, each in a florift bucket, all standing on a damp gravel tray. They are producing fruit and are fed weekly with tom feed.
    We have identified a grey mould on the leaves of a couple of plants, wgich I think is due to overcrowding and poor ventilation? We have removed these leaves.

    Also some 2 of the 3 of the plants have produced 1 tom which has a a black ring at the bottom of it. There is no discolouring of the stems or dimpling of the fruit so I dont think its blight? Any one have any ideas what hese are and how we can stop it, or will it effect all the plants and fruits?

    Thanks for any imput in advance! x

  • #2
    The black ring at the bottom is blossom end rot due to a lack of calcium uptake usually through allowing the plants to dry out. So it's easily cured by regular watering. It only effects the fruit.

    Vegetable Kingdom blog


    • #3
      Yup, I agree, blossom end rot, solved by regular watering. And the grey mould is botrytis, remove any trace of it as soon as you see it, and try to prevent condensation from dripping on the plants, it always seems to make things worse!


      • #4
        I would remove more leaves than those already showing signs of rot to increase ventilation significantly.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jackyspratty View Post
          We have 6 different varieties of vine toms, each in a florift bucket, all standing on a damp gravel tray...

          We have identified a grey mould on the leaves of a couple of plants, wgich I think is due to overcrowding and poor ventilation?...

          Also some 2 of the 3 of the plants have produced 1 tom which has a a black ring at the bottom of it....

          Firstly, well done for getting your first fruits.

          It certainly sounds like blossom end rot which will not affect any of the new fruit if you get the watering and feeding correct - which needs to be constant, not drenched compost and then dried out compost.

          But it sounds early in the season for blossom end rot; I only get it after hot weather when I haven't increased the watering during hot weather or I go on hols and leave the kids to water!!

          Just a quick few questions...

          1/ why are the plants on wet gravel?
          2/ how close together are the plants?
          3/ are they a cordon or a bush?
          4/ are you removing sideshoots?
          5/ have you removed the lower leaves?
          6/ are you venting the polytunnel?
          7/ what is the max temp of the tunnel?
          8/ what is the min temp of the tunnel?

          I'm wondering whether you have read advice about keeping the plants damp (some say spray the plants with a fine mist of water) - which I believe is only relevent to very hot, dry weather later in summer - and you are keeping them in far too damp an atmosphere for late spring/early summer. This can cause mould.
          Last edited by teakdesk; 09-06-2009, 02:38 PM.
          The proof of the growing is in the eating.
          Leave Rotten Fruit.
          Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium - potash.
          Autant de t�tes, autant d'avis!!!!!
          Il n'est si m�chant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle.


          • #6
            Thanks to all for the advice. It does sound like blossom end rot. But I have been watering daily and feeding once a week sincethe trusses have set. Partly thats why the toms are in pots on gravel, as I was told that you should feed from above and water from below? Some of the pots have yoghurt pots in the soil to water the roots more? Also the polytunnel is on concrete, not on soil, so we had to plant in pots.

            There are about 3 plants to the approx length of a grow bag and they are all cordon plants that we are removing the sideshoots from. I have only just realised that I should be removin the lower leaves!
            I have been opening the windows in the poly but am unsure when should vent and when you shouldn't? We have a thermometre in there but I'm not sure what the max/min temp is. Should I take this the same time each day? Whats the best time?

            Yep, I have been misting! Was told this reduced red spider mite! We have also had a horredous invasion of what I think is thrip? Removed by sticky yellow cards could this be related to temp in the poly?

            Thanks for all the wisdom, and sorry to answer with more questions!
            Many thanks



            • #7
              Also I forgot to say that the toms are at the side of the tunnel with condensation on them and the top branches are touching the wet sides of the poly! Do you know, as I write his it all starts to make sense! Many thanks again to all. x



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