I am a newbie to both polytunnel and tom growing and need help if possible! We have 6 different varieties of vine toms, each in a florift bucket, all standing on a damp gravel tray. They are producing fruit and are fed weekly with tom feed.
We have identified a grey mould on the leaves of a couple of plants, wgich I think is due to overcrowding and poor ventilation? We have removed these leaves.
Also some 2 of the 3 of the plants have produced 1 tom which has a a black ring at the bottom of it. There is no discolouring of the stems or dimpling of the fruit so I dont think its blight? Any one have any ideas what hese are and how we can stop it, or will it effect all the plants and fruits?
Thanks for any imput in advance! x
We have identified a grey mould on the leaves of a couple of plants, wgich I think is due to overcrowding and poor ventilation? We have removed these leaves.
Also some 2 of the 3 of the plants have produced 1 tom which has a a black ring at the bottom of it. There is no discolouring of the stems or dimpling of the fruit so I dont think its blight? Any one have any ideas what hese are and how we can stop it, or will it effect all the plants and fruits?
Thanks for any imput in advance! x
