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Growing from Seed


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  • Growing from Seed

    I am growing some Lettuce, Radish and rocket from seed. They all germanated but soon started to wilt!
    They are in a seed tray and I give them a spray of water every day. They are in the GH and the average temp has been about 25 deg.
    Should I put them in a tray with water in it so as the roots can soak some up?? Or what?? Help.

  • #2
    lettuce and radish prefer cool conditions I think
    WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


    • #3
      With all my lettuce, radish and rocket, I just used grow bags outside on a table and cut squares for each type and sowed the seed, then planted a 2ltr coke bottle in the middle of each one for watering.

      They seem to do much better outside and they germinated really quickly.
      Gentlemen! - you can't fight in here...this is the War Room!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Fat Bob View Post
        With all my lettuce, radish and rocket, I just used grow bags outside on a table and cut squares for each type and sowed the seed, then planted a 2ltr coke bottle in the middle of each one for watering.
        Whats the idea of the coke bottle!!! How do you tell how much water the give?
        Last edited by zazen999; 16-07-2009, 05:20 PM.


        • #5
          None of these should be in the greenhouse in summer. Radish don't do well in seed trays - a 6" half pot would be better. Lettuce hate being hot - do you have any open ground or is it all pots & greenhouse? I start my lettuce in cell trays, just a few seeds per cell, and when they're a reasonable size I plant them out into either the garden or plant troughs (same with rocket)


          • #6
            The greenhouse thing is one reason why they are wilting, the spraying and not watering is another.

            Yes! Get them in a tray with some water, do this every day.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jimfin View Post
              Whats the idea of the coke bottle!!! How do you tell how much water the give?
              I got it off here somewhere.

              Cut the base off a 2ltr pop bottle, take the lid off! then plant upside-down in a hole in the middle of the grow bag.

              The water goes into the base of the grow bag and is leeched upwards.

              It is easy to water because you just fill the bottle and the seedlings don't get battered.
              Gentlemen! - you can't fight in here...this is the War Room!


              • #8
                I grow my radishes in drain pipes, outside - they seem to do okay


                • #9
                  Jings Jimfin. Where are you growing and what are you trying to do.
                  Lettuce, radish and rocket will do well in containers if that is all you have. But they do like cool, damp conditions. They won't like being in the greenhouse.
                  If they are in trays then transplant them on into bigger pots (or the ground if you heve some) keep them cool and damp and stand back. You don't need to single them out. Just rip clumps from the tray and plant.
                  Good luck with the project.

                  From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jimfin View Post
                    They are in a seed tray and I give them a spray of water every day.
                    spraying water will encourage mould and rotting.
                    Plants take up water through their roots (not their leaves), so always try to water the roots, not the soil surface
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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