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The new netting design. Your help needed...


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  • The new netting design. Your help needed...

    So following from the partial success/partial failure of my previous design of anti bug netting:
    I've been working on a new plan. The problem with the old version was that it employed a barrel vault structure which is subject to the stresses and strains of both wind and gravity. Along with the thin plastic pipe the forces of nature blew it down before I even got the sides on (which would only have acted as sails to the wind anyway).
    So I've investigated various other design types:
    Geodesically reinforced barrel vault - This would retain the existing structure, but employ additional 'ribs' diagonally across the structure as developed by the 'bouncing bomb' inventor Barnes Wallis. Problem being that this would need at least 8 peg holes drilling and I'd rather avoid that.
    Sail Vault which would require 4 more peg holes drilling, however I can't see how I could keep the centre of this structure in the air with voile. It also has 4 flat sides which would not be easily covered.

    So I think I've settled on the Domical Vault or Cloister Vault style as I've designed in Google SketchUp:

    This design only requires 2 more peg holes and all 8 of the 'ribs' meet in the middle where they can be connected for extra support.
    However, I'm not too sure how to attach the voile to this. If I cut 4 panels, each with 3 sides (1 flat and two curved) to match each of the four edges that should cover it. But I can't think how to attach this to the ribs. I could glue it, but then it wouldn't be removeable and I also need to leave access room.
    The clips I used in the previous design have the problem that they need screwing into something and so won't attach to voile. I also need to attach two edges to each of the corner ribs.

    Hopefully you understand what I'm saying. Any ideas folks?

    EDIT: here's a picture with one of the 4 voile panels added (imagine it as one continuous panel which would connect to two ribs at either edge, the board at the floor and one rib running up the middle):
    Last edited by OllieMartin; 12-12-2009, 02:39 PM.
    Current Executive Board Members at Ollietopia Inc:
    Snadger - Director of Poetry
    RedThorn - Chief Interrobang Officer
    Pumpkin Becki - Head of Dremel Multi-Tool Sales & Marketing and Management Support
    Jeanied - Olliecentric Eulogy Minister
    piskieinboots - Ambassador of 2-word Media Reviews

    WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.

  • #2
    Good grief, that's fancy! What are you making the supports out of so that you get the right amount of flexibility to bend to shape but will still be sufficiently rigid? As you say, it's important to ensure decent access otherwise you'll never weed etc which is why I tend to keep mine as a single piece of net thrown over the frame and then attached to the ground but suppose it depends on the size of your net etc etc. Never simple really.

    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


    • #3
      If you look at my pic`s for the back of my house, the room we have at the back has a huge odd shaped window, and coudnt find voile long enough for that window, until i found some from ikea, a fine mesh panel thats double length you can buy at the standard 90, lil range (will check) cost 1.97 for 2 huge panels ! it didnt look right on that window so it covers my veg now !!! and works a treat ! cheaper than the stuff you buy from garden shops, i have some spare if you want to try it ?


      • #4
        I think you're overcomplicating things,Id just make a cube shape,this would also give you extra width at the top so as plants grow they wont touch the sides or top

        Last edited by Pies; 12-12-2009, 04:04 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Alison View Post
          What are you making the supports out of so that you get the right amount of flexibility to bend to shape but will still be sufficiently rigid?
          As with the last version I'm using 20mm blue mains water pipe. It's flexible yet has some rigidity and the hollow centre allows it to be slotted onto dowels in the bed so it can be removed easily.

          Originally posted by louisesgarden View Post
          If you look at my pic`s for the back of my house, the room we have at the back has a huge odd shaped window, and coudnt find voile long enough for that window, until i found some from ikea, a fine mesh panel thats double length you can buy at the standard 90, lil range (will check) cost 1.97 for 2 huge panels ! it didnt look right on that window so it covers my veg now !!! and works a treat ! cheaper than the stuff you buy from garden shops, i have some spare if you want to try it ?
          Thanks, I have a load of voile left over from the previous version which should do the job. I just want to plan the design carefully first to avoid mistakes.

          Originally posted by Pies View Post
          I think you're overcomplicating things,Id just make a cube shape,this would also give you extra width at the top so as plants grow they wont touch the sides or top
          You're right, I am over complicating it, but we men love our little projects don't we? I was so chuffed with the last one when I finished it even though it didn't end up working properly, I've just got to stick with the idea but use a better design.

          I just can't get my head around how to attach the voile. I think I may have to glue it to the corner ribs, it should be dismantleable then. It's just the access that may be a problem. Might try getting my mum to sew a zip into a length
          Current Executive Board Members at Ollietopia Inc:
          Snadger - Director of Poetry
          RedThorn - Chief Interrobang Officer
          Pumpkin Becki - Head of Dremel Multi-Tool Sales & Marketing and Management Support
          Jeanied - Olliecentric Eulogy Minister
          piskieinboots - Ambassador of 2-word Media Reviews

          WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


          • #6
            Voile is not the easiet material to play about even more so if its going to get hammered by the elements , PM me with your address i will send you some of that mesh panel i have. louise

            I just can't get my head around how to attach the voile. I think I may have to glue it to the corner ribs, it should be dismantleable then. It's just the access that may be a problem. Might try getting my mum to sew a zip into a length [/QUOTE]


            • #7
              My fanciest frame is 4 canes at each corner with a tennis ball atop of each; with the net [from Ikea] draped across and weighed down with plastic milk cartons full of water. You can pop another cane in the middle to keep the middle from hanging down.
              Last edited by zazen999; 12-12-2009, 05:12 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by louisesgarden View Post
                Voile is not the easiet material to play about even more so if its going to get hammered by the elements , PM me with your address i will send you some of that mesh panel i have. louise
                Hugely appreciate the offer. If I don't have any luck with the voile I'll definately take you up on it. Thank you.

                Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                My fanciest frame is 4 canes at each corner with a tennis ball atop of each; with the net [from Ikea] draped across and weighed down with plastic milk cartons full of water. You can pop another cane in the middle to keep the middle from hanging down.
                I could do it that way, but I'm going beyond function and trying to achieve something more. No-more functional, but more architecturally interesting.
                Current Executive Board Members at Ollietopia Inc:
                Snadger - Director of Poetry
                RedThorn - Chief Interrobang Officer
                Pumpkin Becki - Head of Dremel Multi-Tool Sales & Marketing and Management Support
                Jeanied - Olliecentric Eulogy Minister
                piskieinboots - Ambassador of 2-word Media Reviews

                WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


                • #9
                  Hi Ollie, Mines made out of 20mm tubing and I have fastened the netting on with pipe clips. Just pushed over the netting onto the pipe & they can slide up & down to give access. Difficult to explain in text.
                  Last edited by Bigmallly; 07-04-2010, 11:36 AM.
                  sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                  Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                  Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                  KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                  • #10
                    Nice one Bigmally, Thats the sort of thing I had in mind for this year. Last August my garden looked like a butterfly farm !
                    Where did you get the tubing and netting from ? and what was the rough cost ?
                    Bang on design from OllieMartin, I wish I was that creative. I can see it will provide good protection, stey rigid and be aesthetically pleasing.
                    Hope we get some pictures of the finished product.
                    The link to my old website with vegetable garden and poultry photographs



                    • #11
                      What about stick on velcro? You can buy rolls of it. One roll of the sticker and one of the stickee - it has a self adhesive back? Love the design by the way. It's elegant.


                      • #12
                        hi olli,why not stitch the voil together,to make a tent the shape of your frame,with a good strong tie at the top centre ridge on the inside to anchor it,elastic in the hem of it with some loops placed at various points,so you can put tent pegs or some other strong stuff in to hold it down,if you place the peggs in the right way,you can just unhook it all the way round to raise the net curtain,if you know what i mean,
                        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by lottie dolly View Post
                          hi olli,why not stitch the voil together,to make a tent the shape of your frame,with a good strong tie at the top centre ridge on the inside to anchor it,elastic in the hem of it with some loops placed at various points,so you can put tent pegs or some other strong stuff in to hold it down,if you place the peggs in the right way,you can just unhook it all the way round to raise the net curtain,if you know what i mean,
                          It's a good idea, it would certainly produce the best looking result. Only problem being that I don't think I've got the necassary sewing skills. I think the velcro idea is probably going to be the most workable, although I'm concerned with the amount of velcro it will need and the mess velcro often causes!
                          I think I'll construct the frame when I can and then review my options regarding attaching the voile.

                          I appreciate all the ideas, they've been useful food for thought.
                          Current Executive Board Members at Ollietopia Inc:
                          Snadger - Director of Poetry
                          RedThorn - Chief Interrobang Officer
                          Pumpkin Becki - Head of Dremel Multi-Tool Sales & Marketing and Management Support
                          Jeanied - Olliecentric Eulogy Minister
                          piskieinboots - Ambassador of 2-word Media Reviews

                          WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by OllieMartin View Post
                            It's a good idea, it would certainly produce the best looking result. Only problem being that I don't think I've got the necassary sewing skills. I think the velcro idea is probably going to be the most workable, although I'm concerned with the amount of velcro it will need and the mess velcro often causes!
                            I think I'll construct the frame when I can and then review my options regarding attaching the voile.

                            I appreciate all the ideas, they've been useful food for thought.
                            I was going to suggest using a drawstring all round the bottom rather than elastic, but you could use big pegs instead, I think.

                            So, you have a long piece of voile, stitch top & bottom to each other to form a tube (circumference of tube = outline of bed) then pop the tube over the frame, gather the top together (tie with string or elastic band) and peg the bottom to the bed. V basic sowing needed - 1 seam - and if you really are that hopeless with a needle & thread you could velcro that.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View Post
                              - and if you really are that hopeless with a needle & thread you could velcro that.
                              Or use a staple gun


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