Afternoon all. Just back from the lottie where I finally managed to get my storage and potting area set up in the polytunnel.
Last year, my tomato greenhouse was left open after a lovely days sunshine which were followed by high winds in the night time and meant the cover was done for so after harvest, I took it down and with a bit of thinking (and a lot of luck that the bars are the right length to match the width of the pt) I was able to set this up.
It also meant that I had spare bars to push into the ground for extra leg support after the pt itself started leaning after the snow began melting (causing the ground to go soft) and more high winds followed.
Not the best piece of recycling you'll ever see but I'm pleased with my mornings work.
Last year, my tomato greenhouse was left open after a lovely days sunshine which were followed by high winds in the night time and meant the cover was done for so after harvest, I took it down and with a bit of thinking (and a lot of luck that the bars are the right length to match the width of the pt) I was able to set this up.
It also meant that I had spare bars to push into the ground for extra leg support after the pt itself started leaning after the snow began melting (causing the ground to go soft) and more high winds followed.
Not the best piece of recycling you'll ever see but I'm pleased with my mornings work.