I had an idea I had a mouse in the greenhouse for a while as something had nibbled at my biccies and the odd bit of bread I had stashed for the chooks.
I recently sowed about eight trays of various seeds, one of them being sunflowers.
The other seed trays hadn't been touched but the sunflower seed tray resembled a bomb site with craters and seed husks spread all over. I can't bring myself to get mad at the little varmints though as they were just after food.
I've now moved the tray up a height hopefully out of there reach and will sow a few more at the weekend.
I recently sowed about eight trays of various seeds, one of them being sunflowers.
The other seed trays hadn't been touched but the sunflower seed tray resembled a bomb site with craters and seed husks spread all over. I can't bring myself to get mad at the little varmints though as they were just after food.
I've now moved the tray up a height hopefully out of there reach and will sow a few more at the weekend.