The brother of someone I work with has an old greenhouse in his back garden that he's said I can have for nowt. Don't have any other details at the mo, so I know nothing about size, condition etc. but I'm quietly excited and keeping my fingers crossed.
I'd really like a g/h on my lottie, but I know I'll lose a bit of space. I have a feeling my poor Da is going to do his nut, as he's not keen on gardening at all, and is the one who bears the brunt of most of my mad DIY ideas!! I'm going to try and persuade him to come and have a look with me when I can arrange to go and have a nose.
Anything I need to think about, such as things that might turn into big problems or owt???
I'll let you know how I get on!
Sarah (keeping toes and fingers crossed)
I'd really like a g/h on my lottie, but I know I'll lose a bit of space. I have a feeling my poor Da is going to do his nut, as he's not keen on gardening at all, and is the one who bears the brunt of most of my mad DIY ideas!! I'm going to try and persuade him to come and have a look with me when I can arrange to go and have a nose.
Anything I need to think about, such as things that might turn into big problems or owt???
I'll let you know how I get on!
Sarah (keeping toes and fingers crossed)