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What should I do, ebay poly tunnel


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  • What should I do, ebay poly tunnel

    I bought a polytunnel for a friend from ebay, brand new and similar to one that I had purchased myself.

    The guy followed the instructions and I have to say I was impressed by how he had put it up. However bit of wind and the metal frame collasped inside.

    I contacted the company I bought it from, to send him photos as his description stated, protect your plants from strong winds. His comment was, I cant predict the weather and should have put it up properly

    By the quality of it, I'm not sure it would have protected from a breeze let alone a "strong wind".

    Whats the general opinion, should I make a point and place negative feedback and see if I can claim my money back from Paypal? or just leave it and put it down to my friends experience. Trouble is they cant really afford the loss, they struggled to afford the tunnel in the first place and it was a major treat?

  • #2
    We've considered buying one of these but it's a tricky one because there is generally no feedback on whether they are strong enough. I would be honest and leave appropriate feedback especially if your friend did indeed put it up properly. If more people leave feedback saying whether or not they actually are any good or just a waste of money then others will be able to make a more informed decisions. Just because something's cheap in relative terms doesn't mean it shouldn't be fit for purpose. If these tunnels are no good in strong winds then the sellers should state as much.


    • #3
      Contact the seller stating that the tunnel is not fit for purpose & that you propose to open a claim plus leave negative feedback, unless of course he wishes to settle amicably.
      sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
      Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
      Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
      KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


      • #4
        Thanks for the info.

        I think if you have an extremely sheltered position, where there is very little wind! then I could see one of these working. But to say these are fine with strong winds is wrong. Should be described as suitable for sheltered spot, where strong winds are not prevailing or something!

        That say, there is one that I've seen on our allotment that is sold by grow something or other and that one looks the same as this one from a wholesaler but the poles are thicker and does look stronger and again says that its suitable for allotment use etc.

        The actual poly on the other one is hardwearing, its the poles that seem to bend in the wind. I think if you managed to strengthen the poles that faced towards any wind then they would work and could perhaps work in "strong winds" but certainly not as they are!


        • #5
          If the Seller's description is not acurate then it should be exposed


          • #6
            Here is the write up, this pretty much says all weathers, protect plants from strong winds, shelter from the elements:

            What do you think???

            4.5m x 2m Large Greenhouse Poly tunnel Tent

            This is the perfect poly tunnel in which to give growing-your-own Fruit vegetables

            Once in place it will shelter your plants from the elements, while creating the ideal environment for growing,

            helping you to have your own constant supply of absolutely fresh and nutritious produce.

            While presenting opportunities for gardeners to work outside in all weathers, other benefits of poly tunnels include:

            * Plant protection from strong winds and rain
            * Protection from extremes of temperature
            * Increased humidity
            * Controllable environment via heating or cooling

            Also good for winter storage of your delicate plants



            • #7
              Originally posted by tlck9 View Post
              While presenting opportunities for gardeners to work outside in all weathers, other benefits of poly tunnels include:
              yes but, what about your poly tunnel Mr Seller!!

              I would report back to Mr(s) Seller saying that it hasn't been up to the job as the description and if a refund isn't forth-coming then you will ask advice from eBay.


              • #8
                Did the metal frame collapse due to it not being put up properly or did the frame itself break or collapse? I think that's the crux of the matter; if it was identical to yours and yours has withstood the same winds then it might be operator error; but if the frame itself bent and collapsed then it will be an 'item not as described' problem and you need to follow that route through ebay.

                Bear in mind that you would have to return the item at your own cost before a refund is given.

                Is it put-uppable again or completely unuseable?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                  Did the metal frame collapse due to it not being put up properly or did the frame itself break or collapse?
                  Is it put-uppable again or completely unuseable?
                  No the frame actually bent and snapped, when I compared it too mine, the poles are thinner, to be honest I've checked and they are thinner than my gazebo ones

                  The frame bent at what looked to be a weak weld joint, I suspect that it wasnt as strong as the rest, as it bent, it put pressure on the others and caused it to fail. Trouble is as it did it collasped and severed the cover as well.

                  It couldnt be used again, too much damage . The only saving grace was because it had been put up properly and properly dug into the ground it didnt trash the rest of the garden and smash the greenhouse.


                  • #10
                    resolution centre
                    'I received an item that does not match the seller's description.'

                    Then follow through from there on in.


                    • #11
                      I have seen wind mangled alumium greenhouses with supposedly indestructable polycarbonate.
                      My aluminium greenhouse was buckled and had all the glass blown out of it TWICE!

                      If it was faulty workmanship its the manufacturer thats to blame but if it was erected in an extremely windy position???????

                      The trouble is that strong wind is deemed to be an act of God and you struggle even to get insurance against it.

                      Your best bet is to do as Zaz says.

                      Hope you get a satisfactory conclusion!
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • #12
                        An update (and thanks)

                        I purchased the problem one for a friend and the guy (not grow-up) has finally after a few emails to and fro, said that I am to return the polytunnel, he has not said if he will refund or replace - although it took feedback and paypal to sway.

                        The one I purchased for myself from Growup failed on one of the joints and part of the plastic cover had come unstitched - however growup completely dealt with the situation straight away and without any fuss

                        if you are going down a route of buying one, buy from Grow-up as the service is second to none and the advice and help perfect (even though I had a problem) they were excellent.


                        • #13
                          I agree with all that has been said on here but some of these tunnels on ebay are at best temporary.
                          The one we got was of shocking quality, I have bough more robust temporary wardrobes from argos.
                          If they are likely to be flattened by a bit of wind, as mine was, it needs to state in the description.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by tlck9 View Post
                            * Plant protection from strong winds and rain
                            That's the clincher for me. The seller has admitted the possibility of strong winds (that they exist) and has suggested that his product provides protection from said strong winds.

                            Clearly the product DOES NOT stand up to strong winds: therefore it is not fit for purpose.

                            Money back ASAP please
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • #15
                              Ah but that's where he's been a bit clever, it actually says 'other benefits of polytunnels...', NOT 'other benefits of this polytunnel...'
                              Still it stinks and is deceiving at best. They do need to make it clear if they're not up to the job.


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