I have just finished building a glasshouse given to me by a friend. It's a 10x6 old B&Q I think. While it is ok and cost me nothing other than getting some replacement glass to replace breakages, plus bits and pieces to complete it, I am not exactly thrilled with it!
I'm 5ft 7 ins tall and find I'm almost in the prone position most of the time. I was spoilt in my last home as had a 9ftX27ft glasshouse....think that is the problem. While I think I'll be quite happy growing summer veg in it, I can't see me "pottering" in it . I'm already feeling if I move a muscle I'll break the glass. The budget hasn't taken much of a hit altho I did have to pay a friend to make a base for it, and help me........other half refuses to get his well manucured hands dirty!!!!
I am now CERTAIN that I want another greenhouse, I'd forgotten how much I missed my old one until being inside the 1 I've just built.
I have just been left quite a few bob by an old Aunt..lucky me! and have plenty of space...again lucky me, but have never bought a new glasshouse, the large 1 I did have was reclaimed by me... I am not a spoilt brat!
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to the best value for money greenhouses nowadays. This greenhouse will be my LAST and would hope it'll "see me out". I will probably decide to heat it, and I know someone is going to ask what I what to use it for plantswise. Well not for growing tomatoes etc as just built something for that.
I'm not sure yet, maybe tenderish plants which won't accept the climate here (Scotland but not that severe). More a glasshouse I feel comfortable to work in but it will definately have permanent plants in it ie not a full concrete based structure.
I'm somewhat knackered having lugged sand, gravel,concrete slabs, and mixed cement, cleaned glass till my back moaned and have cut fingers to prove it. SO my new glasshouse is going to be a treat and I for once in my life want it built by others! I will be offering teas and coffees but that's it...no more hard labour as the old bones are really complaining.
I'd be really grateful for others suggestions. I have a budget of around �5000 BUT being a canny Scot...we aren't mean just careful! I'd want the best possible and hopefully under that figure. There are so many types of greenhouses on the market,never having been in the position to buy a new 1 before I would appreciate advice.I'm not fussed about "twiddley bits" just a really good well built structure, rather than fancy look if you get my drift. I am a really keen gardener with hands to prove it....no long nails!
Thanks very much.
I'm 5ft 7 ins tall and find I'm almost in the prone position most of the time. I was spoilt in my last home as had a 9ftX27ft glasshouse....think that is the problem. While I think I'll be quite happy growing summer veg in it, I can't see me "pottering" in it . I'm already feeling if I move a muscle I'll break the glass. The budget hasn't taken much of a hit altho I did have to pay a friend to make a base for it, and help me........other half refuses to get his well manucured hands dirty!!!!
I am now CERTAIN that I want another greenhouse, I'd forgotten how much I missed my old one until being inside the 1 I've just built.
I have just been left quite a few bob by an old Aunt..lucky me! and have plenty of space...again lucky me, but have never bought a new glasshouse, the large 1 I did have was reclaimed by me... I am not a spoilt brat!
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to the best value for money greenhouses nowadays. This greenhouse will be my LAST and would hope it'll "see me out". I will probably decide to heat it, and I know someone is going to ask what I what to use it for plantswise. Well not for growing tomatoes etc as just built something for that.
I'm not sure yet, maybe tenderish plants which won't accept the climate here (Scotland but not that severe). More a glasshouse I feel comfortable to work in but it will definately have permanent plants in it ie not a full concrete based structure.
I'm somewhat knackered having lugged sand, gravel,concrete slabs, and mixed cement, cleaned glass till my back moaned and have cut fingers to prove it. SO my new glasshouse is going to be a treat and I for once in my life want it built by others! I will be offering teas and coffees but that's it...no more hard labour as the old bones are really complaining.
I'd be really grateful for others suggestions. I have a budget of around �5000 BUT being a canny Scot...we aren't mean just careful! I'd want the best possible and hopefully under that figure. There are so many types of greenhouses on the market,never having been in the position to buy a new 1 before I would appreciate advice.I'm not fussed about "twiddley bits" just a really good well built structure, rather than fancy look if you get my drift. I am a really keen gardener with hands to prove it....no long nails!
Thanks very much.