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a few words on my DIY effort


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  • #16
    Yes I am aware of that method I believe I saw it on a YouTube video when I first started to think about making a homemade effort. My idea at the time of this concept was to use all available things I had to hand okay to adapt things or fashion new items from something meant originally for something else that said and thanks again for the comment, I am now looking at what things I can use or adapt to pretty much do the tensioning job as I am in no real rush to complete this side of things I will sleep on that one I get many moments of inspiration on awaking next morning Thats just the way I am I guess having previous knowledge of never ever being one to be beaten on things
    so I will sort that one out and keep taking pictures I have already sourced the cover
    I tend to do all the works myself I even completely built a fairly large remote controlled Observatory totally alone I have made a web site about that one but I have since moved house a further 100 miles further South of it so I don't even know if it is still there or not. Being a brick and breeze block and timber construction I could not take it with me not a lack of confidence thing, just far too big un heavy thing that one Lol !
    if you are interested in how I built that here is a link I think all the links on it are still active
    Astronomy "The Radioactive Way" - Home
    any way up I must pop into the kitchen I am being summoned by she who must be obeyed LOL!


    • #17
      Looks really well made and solid considering thats 20mm pipe. Don't know if you've thought about the doors but I always go for a stable (separate top and bottom sections) type that keeps out any animals (cats love my tunnels and greenhouses as they're the only dryish soil around) but still allows ventilation.

      Good luck with it, happy growing and may the wind blow around the outside of it (rather than where it should be) for many a year
      Jiving on down to the beach to see the blue and the gray, seems to be all and it's rosy-it's a beautiful day!


      • #18
        Originally posted by King Carrot View Post
        Looks really well made and solid considering thats 20mm pipe. Don't know if you've thought about the doors but I always go for a stable (separate top and bottom sections) type that keeps out any animals (cats love my tunnels and greenhouses as they're the only dryish soil around) but still allows ventilation.

        Good luck with it, happy growing and may the wind blow around the outside of it (rather than where it should be) for many a year
        Ahhh thanks for the idea I had not considered using stable door tactics no but I like it I like it a lot and its not too much extra work to achieve either an extra couple of pairs of hinges and maybe a couple of cabinet bolts perhaps Yeh I have warmed to your suggestion I also must take with great seriousness the comment of the tensioning given to me by Aberdeenplotter.

        I am quite looking forwards to the forthcoming growing season
        heres a genal question will the tunnel be good to bring on hanging baskets? I imagine it would be Its just I would like to think I am getting as much use of space that I can. As you will see in later pictures I will be posting I have lost no end of growing space as my other half wanted a large area of decking and a nice pond area too so I did have my back garden sectioned into four raised bed areas and now only two, one of which has the tunnel on it.
        By the way my peas/beans are going on the opposite side of the wall which is facing East but that the brassicas there last season and they did fine .More


        • #19
          Yes to bringing on the hanging baskets but do remember to harden the plants off before putting them out later in the season.


          • #20
            tunnel update with pics

            Right I have made some useful progress on the tunnel in respect to adding even more stability and have made and fitted some stable doors as suggested by King Carrot, I am quite pleased how its coming together and as you will of noticed all the woodwork has now had a coat of primer anyway have a look at the pictures
            You will also note where the rest of the garden layout is found such as the lean-to greenhouse, the pond and some of the decked area and those eagle eyed people may spot the 12 grow bags they are 30 litre ones from Netto's �1 each I intend to mix them one part grow bag to one part top soil to one part horse manure and this will be the compost I use this year growing the greenhouse crops

            any way I am waffling now had better go get something else done
            Attached Files


            • #21
              Good work! I'm jealous


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