Glad to hear it's not just me that's mad. Anything done - seed germinated, bed planted, room decorated - I have to go and look, to make sure it is all still there. Maybe it's normal afterall.
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New Geenhouse
OK I admit I keep looking out of the windows. I cant play in it yet though, hubby has to build me a base for it and cant get the equipment until the weekend when his friend comes up to visit ( he is bringing it). So it isn't glazed yet (boo hoo), so i stare at an empty frame, my cat has staked his claim though, he lays in the middle of it, I can see me having probs with him when it is glazed, but I am the boss so when I say he can't go in there he won't ( Ha ha what world am I living in since when has a cat done as it's told.) We shall see what arises when the time comes.
Many Happy Returns
Happy Birthday Chillie Girl
I have to say though (and at the distinct risk of alienating evryone in my first posting) I think you may need a little more excitement in your life if a solid greenhouse is your only current source
Welcome the Vine Curvedare!
I think you will find that most of us on here get very excited about things like having a greenhouse! ..... and of course little seedlings!~
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
~ Mary Kay Ash
Welcome boys and girls to the Vine! well done on the greenhouse! If I had enough room I'd live in there! Unfortunately, not so, so spend as much time in there as I can - brill!
Bernie aka DexterdogBernie aka DDL
Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things
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