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Help wanted with Eden greenhouse door


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  • Help wanted with Eden greenhouse door

    I recently brought a 12ft by 8ft Eden greenhouse off ebay now we have it assembled it appears the door is missing something. It doesn't appear to slide nicely it doesn't have wheels in the track which my other one does. Can anyone help with sending me some pictures of what i need to get or if they have or know of anyone that has one they no longer require i have attached some pictures of what the greenhouse and door looks like
    Thanks for looking
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Incy; 27-04-2011, 11:02 AM.

  • #2
    You know this isn't Freecycle right? Seriously, though, why don't you just contact the seller and tell them they owe you a door? If they blank you, you can open up a claim or complaint or something. But contact them first, if they're a reputable seller they'll be happy to help.


    • #3
      i am aware this is not freecycle lol but i am desperate and know very well how ebay works. The seller had moved into the property and inherited the green house but he wasn't a gardener so he didn't know much about them. The door was off when we arrived and we didn't think anything of it we just picked it up and popped it in the car. I am just asking if anyone out there has the same greenhouse if they would be kind enough to show me what goes in the track! because as it stands it is metal against metal and surely there must be a wheel or something in there. so i can at least know what im looking for. And also someone on here had one behind there shed that they were willing to give to someone so its always worth asking!!


      • #4
        Hi Peteboy,
        Is this perhaps what you are missing?
        Eden Greenhouse Door Wheels


        • #5
          Thanks Incy but this is not what goes in there i have tried these i guess im just going to have to get a whole new door and track.


          • #6
            Good luck Peteboy. It may be worth contacting a company who sells them and asking their advice.


            • #7
              Try emailing Eden, [email protected] for an instruction leaflet, my GH, whilst not Eden, has wheels at the top , the top run freely on the runner and the bottom hooks under a "lip" if that makes sense (no wheels at bottom)
              "We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses."-- Abraham Lincoln


              • #8
                thanks T8ter i have tried that and found out that it is in fact an Edenlite greenhouse and they went bust in 1980 therefore the company that took it over never continued that greenhouse so there are no spares. I have even taken the runner to a very helpful green house supplier who has never seen that type of runner in his life! So i have now managed to take the door off my 6 by 6 greenhouse and now made it fit by making one out of the two thanks all for your help.


                • #9
                  I also bought a faulty greenhouse from ebay.this was new in box but box had been opened,on completion there were parts missing.paid �455 which is a lot of money to lose.after no reply from seller for 10 days i opened dispute with ebay.he replyed very next day as ebay removed the �455 from his account.greenhouse goes back next week then funds are returned to my account from ebay.the bad point is the carriage,it cost me �55 to get it delivered to me and it will cost me �55 to return to seller which i am resposible for so i lose �110.sick about loss but at least i got money for greenhouse back.dispute is way to go.even though he inhereted this greenhouse it must be in full working order if he advertised as in functioning order.


                  • #10
                    Peteboy, did you ever get to the bottom of this? I bought what I thought was an Eden Greenhouse last month and describing it to the very helpful people at Eden have just been told that it is in fact an Eden-lite. Anyway, the door is fine so if you still needed photos etc of what is on mine, just say.


                    • #11
                      this looks very similar to my greenhouse which i inherited

                      would these be the wheels you need?

                      22mm Rounded Door Wheels at Gardencraft, Porthmadog, Gwynedd, North Wales

                      I never knew what make mine was so gingers crossed these work. If they do can you tell me what insulation you have around the frame for the door as mine has long since disappeared

                      i think it might have been this stuff, but not 100% sure

                      Grey Pile Draught Excluder EX5 at Gardencraft, Porthmadog, Gwynedd, North Wales


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