So, I have decided that I want a greenhouse or polytunnel in my back garden. I will use it for tomatoes and peppers next growing season and if and when my conservatory becomes too full from overwintering tender plants, they will have to overspill into the greenhouse with some kind of heater.
It will be somewhere in the region of 8x6 to 10x12, I will reserve judgement on that 'til I've decided on the materials and what sizes they come in to make most efficient use of them (and not break the bank of course).
I have 3 options materials wise;
build some kind of polytunnel shed (polyshed as someone on here previously called it),
build a standard greenhouse frame and glaze it with either single or twin wall polycarbonate, hoping I can find some discounted damaged sheets.
make use of some local gas filled sealed units (double glazing) which I can pick up very very cheap, only problem is that they're all different sizes so it would be a bit like making a massive jigsaw.
I'm thinking that the ultimate would be to use the sealed units but I am wondering if it would be worth the almighty hassle of fitting them all together somehow over the ease of cutting up sheets of polycarbonate. I'm also wondering how well the polythene would fare since it would probably be by far the cheapest and easiest option!
All thoughts and opinions gratefully received, this is my first year growing anything and certainly the first time I've thought about greenhouses or polytunnels.
It will be somewhere in the region of 8x6 to 10x12, I will reserve judgement on that 'til I've decided on the materials and what sizes they come in to make most efficient use of them (and not break the bank of course).
I have 3 options materials wise;
build some kind of polytunnel shed (polyshed as someone on here previously called it),
build a standard greenhouse frame and glaze it with either single or twin wall polycarbonate, hoping I can find some discounted damaged sheets.
make use of some local gas filled sealed units (double glazing) which I can pick up very very cheap, only problem is that they're all different sizes so it would be a bit like making a massive jigsaw.
I'm thinking that the ultimate would be to use the sealed units but I am wondering if it would be worth the almighty hassle of fitting them all together somehow over the ease of cutting up sheets of polycarbonate. I'm also wondering how well the polythene would fare since it would probably be by far the cheapest and easiest option!
All thoughts and opinions gratefully received, this is my first year growing anything and certainly the first time I've thought about greenhouses or polytunnels.