I've had a quick look at the first page of 'undercover operations' and I can't see that this has been covered recently.
I'm hopefully about to acquire a greenhouse in the next few days, where would be best to put it? Is sheltered a good option? or doesn't it matter? I could park it under some trees?
My partner is adapting a very large green house into a lean to for a large house in the area (he's a builder/metalworker) and he's planning to build me smaller one with the leftover frame. Once this thing goes up its not going to be a movable feast so I have to get it right the first time.
I'm hopefully about to acquire a greenhouse in the next few days, where would be best to put it? Is sheltered a good option? or doesn't it matter? I could park it under some trees?
My partner is adapting a very large green house into a lean to for a large house in the area (he's a builder/metalworker) and he's planning to build me smaller one with the leftover frame. Once this thing goes up its not going to be a movable feast so I have to get it right the first time.