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What I Did Today (Undercover)


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  • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
    Put up my second tunnel 10ft x 10ft ( 3m x 3m ), just a little one but I'm very happy
    Here is the new tunnel & our friend we roped in to help.

    Still have a bit of work to do, but It will be full of plants by tomorrow evening.
    Attached Files


    • Showed my niece around my polytunnel, picked some tomatoes and cucumbersand gave everything a good soak. marvelled at how my watermelons are getting on!


      • Have prepared the polytunnel for a crop of 'Rocket' potatoes,1st earlies. Planting the tubers the 1st week of Feb for a May harvest. In & out before the summer crops go in.


        • 'Rocket' potatoes planted in the poly!


          • Today I got my cold greenhouse sorted for summer. My 5 tomato plants are now in their final pots and they have wires to hang on to as they climb. I've got the spaces organised for cucs and melons but they aren't ready for their final pots yet.
            My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
            Chrysanthemum notes page here.


            • Got shot of loads of plants on a stall in aid of a local dogs rehoming centre - now got the room to reorganised the GH added 2 large troughs for Toms etc - picked some salad leaves ate said leaves so non for lunch -.


              • Sowed Sweet Pea seeds about a week ago and they have germinated.
                Planted 3 Daffodil bulbs that were given to me on Sunday in memory of my mother at her nursing home service.
                i will call these Daffodils " Nancy" after my mam.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • Usually I just fit stuff into my little greenhouse as and when, but today I entertained myself by drawing a little plan of where stuff will go (once all the outdoor stuff has been planted out). So I thought I'd show you:

                  Attached Files
                  My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
                  Chrysanthemum notes page here.


                  • Almost put this in the vegetable section then realised I hadn't done anything with veggies today...just flowers and succulents.

                    Potted nine houseleeks into bigger pots as I just realised the other day that I bought them last wonder they were looking a touch cramped in their pots! A couple had offshoots so I ended up with 14 individual plants which I plan to either put in an alpine trough or, more likely, have on top of the Bug Hotel I intend to build this year.

                    Cut down Bill MacKenzie clematis (bought for just �1 last year I didn't realise it would grow so rampantly!!!) and moved it *temporarily* into a large pot until I sort out a permanent spot for it. The Alchemilla mollis at it's base was also dug up and replanted ~ for now ~ into the tunnel.

                    Took photos of the five different types of ground cover plants I bought as plugs last year and mixed up before I could label them (Silly Girl!!!). Thankfully I made a note of the varieties so later on tonight I'll look them up online and match my photos with the ones on t'internet!
                    Attached Files
                    If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


                    • Sorry! Ain't had time to catch up! But will if I can!

                      A day from "Hell"

                      A load from the docks arrived! Not in best condition, only to find out it was stopped by customs full of immigrants, a mess! Yeah! Say no more! We all have to go somewhere! I'll Leave it at that!

                      Then it now comming upon March, seed sowing season, thought I'd nip into my garden "Buddies" for a catch up as to the plan for the year, being winter, we all seem to "ibinate" n seem to loose touch!

                      He's been diagnosed with alsorts, although I Know from years of Working outside being a builder, arthritis was setting in!

                      But has "Ticks" Where you twitch uncontrollably and has to go for a brain scan, Was really, really uncomfortable to see! And I really wish him all the very best!

                      But on a plus note! Have a "Post Office" attempt card, marked "Deano" so can only presume it is some prize awarded by GYO and you guys for my "Momship"

                      Right! I'm done!

                      Tomorrow's another day!

                      This week to do! Then off 9 days! "Bring It On"
                      "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                      • And just realised I posted this on the wrong thread! Just about Summs up my day!

                        I'm off to bed!
                        "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                        • yesterday I watered my gutter peas.....thick frost this morning, hope they survive, I mean, i normally freeze them AFTER they`ve grown!
                          Girls are like flowers, a little attention every day and they`ll blossom.


                          • Potted on last years rosemary cutting and left it in the tunnel. Also sowed rocket and planted a few ellie garlics in the tunnel.
                            Location ... Nottingham


                            • Yesterday- took off the fleece from my poly spuds and the Rocket and Casablanca are showing through so gave them a good water. No sign of the Epicure yet though..
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                              Duchy starting to look good now, they got a water as well, should come romping on with the warmer and lighter days. I've removed the cloche now.
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                              • Checked over mini tunneled raised bed, radish and carrots showing signs, also white beetroot popping up.


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