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Should I get this free greenhouse?


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  • Should I get this free greenhouse?


    I have a very strange question so bear with me! I am incredibly new at gardening and honestly have been racking my brain and don't think I have even stepped in a greenhouse since I was about ten,

    However, I had planned on buying one shortly as I have got the home growing bug and so keen to benefit from a greenhouse. So have been looking at reasonably priced ones when...

    However, a friend has offered me her greenhouse as she basically uses it a a store room. So she is pretty much giving me it for free. However, her house is a couple of hours drive away and as I drive a small car I would have to hire a van.

    I have put a pic below what do people think? It was there when she bought the house so she has no idea how old it is and knows less than me about gardening so no view as to whether any good or not. It is glass and about six by six feet (slightly smaller than the six by eight I would have went for if bought one),

    So size okay and i wanted glass anyway but don't want to go to expense and time of dismantling, moving and rebuilding to realise I would have been better off spending a little bit more cash and a lot less time getting a new one? I can only fit one greenhouse in garden and keen to make right decision. I am also using as part of structure I building so hope once erected it will last many many years if not decades!

    Problem is I have no way to tell whether this is a hundred pound greenhouse (and so would be much better to get new) or quite a good one and I should bite her arm off! I am also a little nervous about dismantling (read some threads and looks a nightmare),

    If I don't want she is happy to continue using for storage (sorry to those gardeners wincing at the thought). So it really up to me and she is easy either way,

    I would really appreciate and thoughts or advice, apologies for size of photo but only way I could upload.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    It looks much the same as my greenhouse - most of them do Its a good offer but if its not big enough for you, don't have it. You'll only regret the fact that its too small. BUT if you have room for two...............


    • #3
      Personally, I'd go for it, I've moved 2 greenhouses and tbh the cost of a few clips and replacement bolts, and if you're unlicky a couple of panes.

      If the bug's bit properly, you'l more than likely end up buy/sourcing more but that's a nice size to heat to if you choose that route.

      All I say is take good gloves, can of wd40 and a camera to take loads of pics, a load of stickers to number the panes and parts as you dismantle and you'll have an easy time of it. I've assembled them again on my own, but it is easier to have a second person to help hold bits as you bolt them back together.
      Never test the depth of the water with both feet

      The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

      Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


      • #4
        I guess it comes down to the size of your wallet. If a new glasshouse is a trifle t you and recycling isn't an imperative, a new one is probably easier for you. Personally I would bite her hand off and carry it on my back
        Last edited by redser; 28-03-2013, 01:12 PM.


        • #5
          If it helps that greenhouse is this ........ Halls Popular 6x6 Mill - Greenhouses Direct
          He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

          Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


          • #6
            It's your call, really. By taking it down yourself, you will know how it goes back together. However, everyone says to buy the biggest one you can, because whatever size you think you need at the start, it will never be big enough once you get going. Hence why you see more than one greenhouse in many gardens, I suspect.

            Sorry if that wasn't any help!
            All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
            Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


            • #7
              It's the cost of a hire van that would be the crunch factor as far as I was concerned - I'm guessing that a van would be - say - �40 for the day, plus half a tank of diesel isn't cheap. If you can get a 8' by 6' (which is what you really want) for there or there abouts, I'd do that.


              • #8
                Blimey - just looked at BB's link - aren't greenhouses expensive??

                I may have changed my mind!


                • #9
                  I'd bite her hand off too!

                  If you find it too difficult to put together then you could always sell it 'ready to assemble' ( cost of petrol,time,van hire)...someone else would bite your hand off if it came flat packed!!!!!

                  Also- if you found it too small after a couple of years- yet again you could sell it.

                  Take lots and lots of piccies as already mentioned otherwise you may find a vital piece left over!

                  Oh- and newspaper/bubblewrap for the glass

                  ...having said that...if you are really doubting the size...then get a new one. You'll NEVER have one big enough!
                  Last edited by Nicos; 28-03-2013, 01:21 PM.
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • #10
                    This may also help ..........
                    He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                    • #11
                      BB thanks so much, brilliant to be able to see the actual model. And redser it is definitely not a trifle but taking account of van hire costs, spare parts, petrol and risk of breakages I am not sure I am saving too much on a greenhouse that was 250 when new?

                      Biggest problem is I am really space restricted and that is my key worry,

                      Mmmmmm, thanks really helpful advice. I guess weighing up saving a few quid vs getting a smaller greenhouse than I would prefer.

                      Love this forum, thanks again for the advice.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Caldan View Post

                        Biggest problem is I am really space restricted and that is my key worry,

                        Meaning I could not get a second greenhouse down the line if wanted to sorry, did not think I was clear


                        • #13
                          I have the 8x6 model of that,if you got/get roof rack/bars for you car it is easy to move.
                          Take loads of newspaper to put between panes of glass,unglaze roof panels & put on roof of car,unglaze & remove door (put to one side),unglaze walls,take gable ends to pieces & put sections inside car,put the two side walls & the door on the roof tie down,glass in the boot & drive off with the bargain of the year
                          He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                          Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                          • #14
                            if space is restricted, you could always get a second of the same model later and bolt the 2 together making a 12ft by 6ft unit and just remove the door of one and don't glaze the back wall on th other one
                            Last edited by RedThorn; 28-03-2013, 01:43 PM. Reason: fat fingers...grrr
                            Never test the depth of the water with both feet

                            The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory....

                            Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


                            • #15
                              OR....get it and put it up on the concrete base that you were going to use for the chicken run. Let the chickens play around outside during the summer - while you use the GH. Let the chooks use it in winter when they'll clean it out for you and will appreciate the shelter. Buy another GH of the size you want and put it up alongside


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