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Greenhouse novice advice / buying guide?


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  • #16
    Thank you very much for all the advice Potstubsdustbins, hopefully will get round to putting it up this weekend if weather holds.

    LOL that�s exactly how mine is pinfold plotter, long box is creating a deathtrap on the stairs.


    • #17
      Why why why why why did we get this greenhouse? Argh. Having so many problems putting this up. The sliding door frame seems to have too few holes according to the awful instructions. I wish I had bought another blow away!


      • #18
        Whats your prob, maybe I can help.

        And don't forget you are allowed to use profanity just not on this site.

        Potty by name Potty by nature.

        By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

        We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

        Aesop 620BC-560BC



        • #19
          We can't work out how the door slider frame thing fits on. The top fits on fine, but the strut that supports it doesn't fit properly. The only way you can fit it means that it will be at an obtuse angle, and then the door slider slopes which is obviously not right. I think we are going to have to drill another hole. The instructions for this are really unclear!

          I may have said some rude words yesterday and anticipate some more today!
          Last edited by Pinfold Plotter; 07-04-2013, 06:40 AM.


          • #20
            Sorry I have been away today, will have a look at my door tomorrow.

            Potty by name Potty by nature.

            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

            Aesop 620BC-560BC



            • #21
              The instructions aren�t worth the paper they are written on.

              6 hours of swearing and bloody knuckles today and still got to fit all the poly panels at some point tomorrow

              I had a similar problem until I realised I�d not used a 3rd long bolt and spacer at the bottom of the strut to put it in-line with the top of the sliding frame. I�m useless explaining things If it would help can try post a photo of how mines set up tomorrow night.

              The biggest problem I had was there was no mention in the main instruction book to add a couple of extra bolts in the channels for the roof vent locks, only found that out after the vent was in and the supports all bolted in and was going through the little box of bits and found a separate sheet on how to fit them


              • #22
                We left the door until last in the end (which was good, because you can't fit the panels to the front very well with the door mechanism there. We worked it out and I may have yelled hysterically with relief

                We had exactly the same problem with the roof vent, ended up unscrewing some of the roof struts to pop the bolts in.

                It's up now thank goodness. Just waiting to put shelving inside. "Greenhouse" was nearly stated on divorce papers by the end of the weekend. Can't wait to start growing now though! The next greenhouse I buy will come with a crew to put it up.


                • #23
                  Congratulations on finishing.

                  Started to put all the edging on the glazing today to find I�m about 6-7ft short of the single slotted stuff.

                  Waltons have been very good and sending out a replacement strip, but just been out looking to buy some so I could get finished today but nowhere locally sells it.


                  • #24
                    I had exactly the same problem. Ended up sealing the ends of the roof panels facing the wall with copious amounts of trusty duct tape (is there nothing it cannot fix?).


                    • #25
                      How are the new GHs working out sems and Pinfold? Are you glad you picked the Waltons? I've been doing a good bit of reading up on it and I'm pretty jittery about all the bad reviews, but like the price


                      • #26
                        Hi Redser

                        As a novice I don�t really have anything to compare it to but it seems to be working out really well.

                        I live in a pretty windy area so after reading the advice on here I bought extra glazing clips (cheap from wilkinsons or ebay), plenty of silicone and used some lengths of bamboo to stop the panels been blown out and not had a single one blown out even in the really strong wind a couple of weeks ago. Its probably over kill and adds �20-�30 to the price but to me was worth it for the extra piece of mind.

                        A good base to attach it to and reading Potstubsdustbins advice in post#14 helped a lot along with a couple of youtube videos of people building similar greenhouses (EasyStart Greenhouse Page A Assembly - YouTube almost identical to building the Walton one except the door/doorframe is different). The instructions are so bad that while building it you will probably wish you�d bought something else but once its up that soon passes.

                        A local garden centre wants nearly �600 for something almost identical so for me it was worth the risk and so far its been worth it.


                        • #27
                          Thanks a lot Sems for the feedback. Glad it's working out. I watched that series of videos, I imagine they'll be a great help!
                          Last edited by redser; 18-05-2013, 01:49 PM.


                          • #28
                            Hi again. Just wondering if any of you Waltons owners know if the free metal base has legs on it? I came across a photo somewhere showing legs on the corners. If it does, I'm thinking I could dig out holes and cement the legs in. What do you think?


                            • #29
                              Hi all, well my 8x6 extra tall greenhouse arrived while I was away on holidays. I just opened the long box to take a peek at the instructions and noticed a big pack of glazing clips. Uh oh. I though this model didn't have any and the panels slid into channels instead of being held in using clips. Also the box and instructions show a picture and parts list for only 1 vent! This looks like a guardman, not a waltons extra tall. Anyone else shed any light on this? I don't want to unpack everything if it is wrong and has to go back. The product codes seem to match correctly, but the product is wrong.


                              • #30
                                Sounds exactly like the 8x6 extra tall I have.

                                The panels sort of go into loose channels and are held tight against the rubber beading by the glazing clips.

                                Link below shows how the glazing is installed


                                Mine only came with 1 roof vent you had to get the 10ft one in order to get 2 roof vents. It is very similar to the guardman with just a couple of differences and the extra height.


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