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Refurbishing a alu/poly greenhouse


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  • Refurbishing a alu/poly greenhouse

    Hello all,

    I purchased a small aluminium frame greenhouse two years ago. I wasn't too clued up on greenhouses, but from my brief searching the aluminium frame polycarbonate greenhouse seem value for money.

    Unfortunately it was a mistake and a waste of money. The quality is of poor construction and within the first period of strong winds, several panels has blown out of the frame and across the garden (I was living in Cornwall at the time).

    The build requires the panels to be slid inside the frame in the channel/grooves, consequently any panel that comes out is a real pain to put back in. Usually it means partial de-assembly of the frame. What a joke of a greenhouse! I felt like burning the thing!

    Well after a second period of slightly strong winds (it doesn't take much wind) I'd had enough of losing panels. I decided to do it ugly and simply tape the panels to the frame with numerous amounts of duct tape. When it's pouring rain and windy, you need to do something quick.

    I have been tempted to ditch the useless thing and buy a good old frame and glass house from Gumtree should one coming along. That being said, we're planning to move back to Cornwall and I really can't be bothered taking apart a glass greenhouse and hoping nothing gets smashed in a move to Cornwall.

    The frame of this cheapo greenhouse (it cost me �200 or there abouts) is fine. I am contemplating get rid of the polycarbonate panels and replacing it with something more sturdy than the current flimsy offerings. I don't care so much how ugly it looks, it looks bad enough as it is with tape, the panels are have gone milky too.

    Is it worth me ditching the panels and neatly, tightly wrapping the frame with thick guage polythene? Replacing the panels with better polycarbonate panels is expensive. Plus they'd blow out again due to the stupid contruction idea. I could also drill holes into the frame and screw/bolt some other kind of panels to the frame.

    I've attached a picture of the culprit in question. If anyone can offer some ideas?

    I'm handy with tools, have tools etc.

    Thanks. Nice to be hear by the way.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I have had a polycarbonate glazed GH for some years now, with very little or no trouble. During the build I used a good quality silicone glazing sealant applied in the grooves before sliding the sheets in.

    As to the glazing going opaque did you check which side of the glazing was UV resistant at the time you built it?

    Potty by name Potty by nature.

    By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

    We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

    Aesop 620BC-560BC



    • #3
      I siliconed my panels in and they've been ok since


      • #4
        Originally posted by Potstubsdustbins View Post
        I have had a polycarbonate glazed GH for some years now, with very little or no trouble. During the build I used a good quality silicone glazing sealant applied in the grooves before sliding the sheets in.

        As to the glazing going opaque did you check which side of the glazing was UV resistant at the time you built it?



        Yep, they had a sticker on each panel depicting which way the panel should face out.

        I've decided to dismantle the roof so that I can remove the lower/main panels, this gives me the opportunity to refit properly the panels that had blown out. I will pick up some clear silicone sealant tomorrow morning for the job.

        Anyone got some tips for removing old duct tape residue from polycarbonate panels? I want to try and clean them up as much as possible.

        Tomorrow is supposed to be better, weather-wise. Might as well make the most of it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by maritimesbob
          Anyone got some tips for removing old duct tape residue from polycarbonate panels? I want to try and clean them up as much as possible.
          WD40 - good for removing all kinds of sticky stuff, tar, pitch, and according to a program on the box the other night, not bad for treating arthritis too


          • #6
            +1 for WD40 and silicone. Don't give up yet


            • #7
              Will your frame take glazing clips as a belt and braces option?


              • #8
                I agree with the above, clear silicone does the job, I failed to do mine on construction but have run a bead round each panel retrospectivly. Of course not leaving the door open in a gale is a good idea too.
                photo album of my garden in my profile


                • #9
                  Hello Redser,

                  Can you elaborate on the "belt and braces"?

                  I've looked at glazing clips, I doubt they would work on my frame. It really is poorly engineered.


                  Lol, leaving the door open or not makes no difference. It has been blown of the frame several times. It's on a slider, a flimsy one at that!

                  Right, plan of action for tomorrow:

                  Pop out to hardware store, pick up some clear sealant for exterior use. Also pick up some clear tape for exterior use, something like a duct tape.

                  Remove the upper frame and roof and start working in re-inserting those panels into the frame properly, adding sealant as I go along. Finishing by re-assembling the upper section and remove, again using sealant.

                  For the door, I might ditch it being on a slide and bolt a couple of hinges to the frame, fasten the door and have a latch/lock. That way the door is more secure.


                  • #10
                    Hi Bob and welcome. I read you first post to say that you were moving to Cornwall soon and ?might be taking the GH with you. If so, should you be siliconing it now as you may not be able to remove the panes when you want to move it..........


                    • #11
                      Good point VC
                      Belt and braces is just an expression Bob, meaning doing more than is needed just to be on the safe side.
                      I wouldn't go putting hinges on the door. I'd be more inclined to keep an eye on e forecasts and lean a block against it when needed.
                      I think it was Big Mally on a different thread who suggested using pea sticks or thin bamboo and wedging them into the fame to stop the panels bulging and blowing out.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for all the tips, I have a whole bunch of ideas to contend with now, all very useful!!

                        Cornwall won't be until next year, so the poor old greenhouse has to survive another winter up here. To be honest, the thing will probably be thrown out when we move and a new one (and better quality!) for our return to Cornwall.

                        I feel bad for the plants I brought with me, they were used to Cornish winters and suffered in the first winter here!


                        • #13
                          Spent a few hours getting the panels in again, cleaning them up and then running some beads of clear sealant. Will also add some clear tape for good measure. Hopefully it will hold out for one more winter.

                          I also reinforced the frame and the rear end is so flimsy with little if any support. I added a piece of rigid angle steel that I had in the garage.

                          I have no idea where I bought the thing, but I have found it on Amazon. The negative reviews made me laugh!


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