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Green house cover


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  • Green house cover

    Don't know if anyone can help but last year I bought a tomato greenhouse that had a base as well. It's about twice the size of the normal grow bag greenhouses but the wind ripped the cover and for the life of me I can't fund a replacement-any ideas?

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  • #2
    Hi, Have you tried �strechers? was in the other day and saw they had replacements in.


    • #3
      OP - is that "fund" - as in can't afford a replacement or "find" - as in can't locate?

      One of those rare occasions where a typo means something entirely different.


      • #4
        Oops,you're quite right, I meant find! The ones in pound stretchers are smaller than these ones which are almost square,as are Wilcos. If I can't find a replacement, I was thinking of perhaps using rigid plastic but I'm not sure how good it might look!

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        • #5
          Do you know the make? Lots in the garden centres at the moment. Fleabay?


          • #6
            Harrod Horticulture (mail order) do them. They also do the cover in a net version.

            For the record, Harrod H. always provide excellent service, advice, and quick delivery. I cannot fault them. There's not many retail companies you can say that about these days. Bit of a plug, but well deserved.


            • #7
              Unfortunately,still not the correct size.i bought these greenhouses from coopers in stortford. I have found them on some obscure websites but only the full thing at �40 each! They are a lot larger than the normal tomato greenhouses that are advertised and they have a base as well (like a square garden bag ) They were absolutely brilliant last year and I am gutted that there doesn't seem to be a replacement for them but I can't afford �40 each!

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              • #8
                Hi have you tried ebay, iv just been having a look and they have all different size covers Marie


                • #9
                  Hi raine. If your old cover is just a little ripped, how about a roll of all-weather repair tape? At most a fiver for a roll.


                  • #10
                    Have you contacted coopers? I have one of their 'walk in' greenhouses and they do replacement covers for them


                    • #11
                      Thanks for all your replies but so far,no joy. I have now ordered some repair tape, so tanks for that suggestion!

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