Last year I had red spider mite in the GH at home for the first time. 
I had good intentions of getting the GH thoroughly cleaned before Christmas but time got away from me (as it has a tendency to) but I would like to get it straight before I plant out my toms, cukes and aubergines in there for this year.
I'm armed with J***** fluid and a sulphur candle but I'm not sure if my plan of action / order of doing things is on the right track!
I've still got the insulating bubble wrap up in there and i was planning on taking it down and giving it a wipe on both sides with some J***** fluid solution.
Similarly with the staging, was thinking of taking it out and giving it a wash down.
Also got an auto opener in there so thinking I need to take that off before using the candle so it doesn't open and let the smoke out!
Should I leave all of those things out of the GH when using the sulphur candle or would it be better for them to be in there so they get treated too... I'm worried the little blighters will be hiding in the joints of the staging/the edges of the bubble wrap etc.
Other than that I need to pick a day when I have time to do all the scrubbing with a night warm enough to evict the fig tree I've got in a tub in there at the moment! Everything else can go in the cold frame!

I had good intentions of getting the GH thoroughly cleaned before Christmas but time got away from me (as it has a tendency to) but I would like to get it straight before I plant out my toms, cukes and aubergines in there for this year.
I'm armed with J***** fluid and a sulphur candle but I'm not sure if my plan of action / order of doing things is on the right track!
I've still got the insulating bubble wrap up in there and i was planning on taking it down and giving it a wipe on both sides with some J***** fluid solution.
Similarly with the staging, was thinking of taking it out and giving it a wash down.
Also got an auto opener in there so thinking I need to take that off before using the candle so it doesn't open and let the smoke out!
Should I leave all of those things out of the GH when using the sulphur candle or would it be better for them to be in there so they get treated too... I'm worried the little blighters will be hiding in the joints of the staging/the edges of the bubble wrap etc.
Other than that I need to pick a day when I have time to do all the scrubbing with a night warm enough to evict the fig tree I've got in a tub in there at the moment! Everything else can go in the cold frame!