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Greenhouse plastic help please?


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  • Greenhouse plastic help please?

    I know this has been asked a lot but.....

    where is the best/ cheapish place to buy replacement plastic panes for a greenhouse. There is a however......I need it to be as thin as possible/ bendy. On my greenhouses the walls are straight, the roof is straight but where they meet it is curved. If anyone has any ideas for a diy (bodge) job to fix it I will also be happy to hear your idea

    Many thanks as always

  • #2
    How about some 4mm twin walled polycarb:
    Greenhouse Glazing, 4mm Twinwall Polycarbonate
    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


    • #3
      TY Molly Excuse my ignorance but how bendy is it or is it a case of scoring through one side to make it do what you want? I have put a piccy on of the most poorly greenhouse

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Polycarb would be good ebay can be a good source cheaper if you need a lot.

        The only issue is it does not like bending against the tubes only with them if that makes sense.

        It would depend on how big the bendy bit needs to be. Look in a DIY shop and see.

        You could try thin 1-2 mm polycarb (single on the bendy bits)
        Last edited by TrysHard; 27-02-2015, 10:10 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
          TY Molly Excuse my ignorance but how bendy is it or is it a case of scoring through one side to make it do what you want? I have put a piccy on of the most poorly greenhouse
          If you thinks that looks poorly wait until you see the pics of mine


          • #6
            Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
            If you thinks that looks poorly wait until you see the pics of mine
            Sorry Scarlet I know its not overly poorly and it is better than 2 years I go. I get the impression that most things were acquired 2nd hand before we inherited them with the house. The greenhouse isn't that bad. In two years the door has been refixed twice and has to be sprayed with wd-- every so often. The thick green (I think previous owner misunderstood 'green'house ) is gone and now just gets a bit green over winter. A few completely broken panes have been replaced. There is still one cracked. But the issue now is with the curved sections. They were never great and a couple of them seem to be a weak point for blowing out. I also think they have reached the end of their life span as they are cracking and breaking. I don't have any close up pics, not that I think you are that fussed.

            Anyhoo what are you doing with a poorly greenhouse you are meant to be a leading example to us mere little grapes


            • #7
              Is it this stuff NG? Halls Curved Greenhouse Acrylic Panel 610x440 | eBay


              • #8
                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                Looks like it and sounds like it:-

                Clear acrylic for curved eaves greenhouses. This special acrylic is designed not to fade, or crack (which was one of the problems with this material in the past). This flexible enough to be bent to a curve, but is not suitable as replacement of a non curved piece of glass

                I have gone with BM's polycarb and I will put canes across as well to hopefully resolve the blowing out issue

                TY all, its lovely pinching others ideas and even with their help


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