I was just pondering the pro's n cons of either raised beds or pots n growbags in a polytunnel.
Some friends of ours have the same tunnel that we have and built a raised bed around the inside edge whilst we opted for pots and growbags last year.
To me it looked like they had a lot more in the same space and their yields seemed bigger but that could have been down to me being less green -fingered
I was just wondering what folks thought about any pro's n cons?
Cheers Nat
I was just pondering the pro's n cons of either raised beds or pots n growbags in a polytunnel.
Some friends of ours have the same tunnel that we have and built a raised bed around the inside edge whilst we opted for pots and growbags last year.
To me it looked like they had a lot more in the same space and their yields seemed bigger but that could have been down to me being less green -fingered

I was just wondering what folks thought about any pro's n cons?
Cheers Nat